Fresh news hot off the gossip train. These guys just let 'em rip and apparently expect everyone to be too polite to comment on their crassness. New prices are part of GAG II! How special.... AND, based on a thorough study of everything LRH ever wrote or said about pricing (wonder if that includes the fact that that Academy Levels are supposed to be equivalent to one month average wage...?) They already cancelled Service Completion Awards -- funny, I read the despatch traffic from LRH where he came up with that idea. Believe me, nobody OTHER than LRH could implement an org giving people cash … [Read more...]
Still More Ideal Org Insanity
These 3 email/promotipons were sent out last week. Each is as nutty as the next. All are irrefutable evidence that the Vulture Culture reigns supreme in the world of corporate Scientology. The first promotes (last week) the "Maiden Voyage" (that didn't happen in JUNE). But more bizarre is the bottom of this list..... Seems the Ideal Org Strategy in the "First Ideal Continent" has run into a few speed bumps chasms. As I recall, St Louis bought a building some years ago.... Hawaii has just never gone anywhere, even in this "era of Massive International Expansion greater in the last year than … [Read more...]
Voldemort Tent Update August 30
Well, you will be happy to hear, that like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, He's back. (Had to make a trip to Los Angeles to meet with lawyers to try and figure out how to wriggle out of the Monique Rathbun lawsuit). But in His absence there was lots of excitement in downtown Clearwater over His tent. Actually, over the illegal destruction of two live oak trees to make way for the tent. He no doubt issued the order to chop down the trees when He was not in town so he couldnt receive any embarrassing phone calls from the city. Interestingly, none of the reports, even Tony Ortega himself, r … [Read more...]
Miscavige’s Motto
Finally, some (accidental) truth in advertising. This IS what the orgs and "Humanitarians" have been led to believe "If you build it, they will come" -- so it's interesting to see it being stated overtly. But it is NOT the whole truth. The truer statement would be the actual Miscavige Motto -- "If you build it, they will believe me." THAT campaign has worked with the sheeple. They DO believe that the purchase and renovation of buildings is proof of massive international expansion. It even worked with some media for a while (you never see ANY statement from the church that doesnt include how … [Read more...]
Prices Are Going Up While We Are Going Down!
The Smiths are at it again -- throwing out more confusion and hidden data to try to drum up some business. Not only is Miscavige planning the super extravaganzapalooza of amazingness to blow the minds of the sheeple with Super Power, Cause Resurgence, GAG II, the meter, dictionary and a whole new building in a circus tent with fireworks, dancing elephants and clowns, he also plans to make a shitload more money with price "changes" (increases) as it just wouldn't be fair to let people "rocket up the Bridge faster than ever, ever, ever" without making them pay more for the privilege of getting … [Read more...]
Super Power — It’s Official “Sometime in September”
In typical Keystone Kops fashion, the world is informed of the planned dates for the "Grand Opening" of "The Mecca Building" and release of Super Power and GAG II and the Mark VIII meter and, and, and... in early October. BUT, the Chief Super Power Reg sent an email 3 days ago TO GET PEOPLE TO COME TO THE EVENT and she is STILL NOT GIVING A DATE! In fact, she is telling people to come in September and that the Grand Opening and IAS event will be in September and October. And this is an email telling people to get visas and make their travel and accommodations reservations. Are things really … [Read more...]
Begging for an “Ideal” PAC
The latest insanity comes courtesy of the Uniform IC PAC -- Val Page (daughter of Homer Schomer who was at ASI, queried certain financial practices, was abused, kicked out and declared and his daughter has not spoken to him in 30 years!). But that is not the point here. In case any further proof was needed, the vulture culture has permeated every corner of the RCS. All the way down to the "Uniform IC" -- a post that has NO CONTACT WHATSOEVER with the public -- sending out begging emails to get money for a "PAC Events Center" to "usher public up the Bridge:" Dear … [Read more...]
Voldemort’s Tent Update 16 August
This morning I received 3 separate reports on “Graduation” from last night. The stats are going up! I have combined them into one summarized report here. Thanks to those who continue to keep the world updated on the latest news from inside the bubble. As usual my comments are in italics enclosed in square brackets. Also as usual, He talks about MEST logistics almost exclusively. It’s almost bizarre to contemplate the leader of the "most important and fastest growing religious movement on earth" gives a weekly running commentary on the adventures of a tent making its way from England to the US … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 9 August
Update from last night's graduation. While the adoring crowds no doubt were screaming and jumping to their feet like a room full of jack-in-the-boxes on steroids, this is becoming pretty boringly mundane. The false "exuberance" is no doubt now being enforced on all present. "You will be impressed, or else...." Even our Special On The Ground Correspondent seems to have become bored with it all. You know how it goes, when Voldemort was a far off, unseen figure he was pretty scary. When you see him for the first time he is pretty scary. But after a while, he sort of becomes old hat. So, he … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 2 August
Here is the report from last night's "graduation".... He is turning these into mini "Int events" where He covers every possible piece of information that will keep the local sheeple convinced that all is well inside the sandcastle. He knows that this public, through the PR and goodwill of "Flag" and the "OT Committee" spreads the word far and wide about how spectacular everything is in the world of Scientology under His leadership "following in the footsteps of our Founder, L. Ron Hubbard." So, its a hodge-podge of random stuff that makes it sound like everything is hunky dory. Ideal … [Read more...]