Here is the latest self-hyping propaganda from the "OT Ambassadors" inside the bubble. It is the minutes from their last meeting. Mathilde, Public Sec FSO spoke about the importance of "getting ready." She said that she knows we've been hearing about it at graduations, but wanted us to realize just how close it is, announcing that the New Flag Building will be opened sometime in September, followed by the IAS Event here at Flag in October. She said that as soon as precise dates are known, she will let us know. Mathilde said that now is the time to get everyone on board here in Clear … [Read more...]
Super Power Grand Opening Hype
Lauri "We Are Opening This Year For Sure" Webster is leading the cheering section to get everyone routed onto Purif and Objectives "NOW" so they are "ready for Super Power." You can read some of her recent emails below starting with the most recent. While they really speak for themselves, I have noted some significant things after each: Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 From: Lauri Webster <[email protected]>Subject: Important: Grand Opening Data Needed Dear Cornerstone Member, As I told you in my last email, the new Building will be opening beforeOctober (E.g., we will open in S … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 26 July
The hype seems to be slowing down, the gushing praise for Him seems to be subsiding and the insanity of what is "news" seems to be reaching lower levels as each week goes by... Here is last night’s report: IAS Event at Flag: The preparations for the IAS event are well underway. The mega tent is on the way to the US by ship, and due to arrive in 3 weeks to Miami. It will be transported to CW, and then placed between the parking garage and Fort Harrison Avenue. Dave noted that it will be visible to all tourists who are going to the beach, so they will notice the presence of Scientology in the c … [Read more...]
Voldemort 19 July Updated
Here is the update from Graduation last nite. Absolutely without question the most spectacular event in the history of Scientology..... (until the next time Dear Leader takes the stage). He saved the showing of the 1993 IAS event so He could introduce it and He could make a pitch for the IAS. He is, after all, Founder of the IAS, a title that cannot be disputed as L. Ron Hubbard had nothing to do with the IAS. Stealing a phrase from Mel Brooks History of the World Part I "It's good to be the Founder".... He started the evening off with some really impressive stats: - 23 Cornerstone … [Read more...]
Voldemort Wows ‘Em Again
The report from last night's graduation (12 July) featuring You Know Who: - The special GAT II Objectives have been launched for Cornerstone members in the Fort Harrison Crystal Ballroom, 126 Scientologists are currently on that course. [Paying once again for the privilege of redoing the bottom of the Bridge....] - Speaking of which, Objectives is going to be renamed to something else. He can't tell it what as it would reveal too much. The service will still follow Purif RD on the Bridge and will contain more processes than the current Objectives. No more information will be given at this … [Read more...]
Desperation At Flag
A couple of desperate pleas indicate the Flag ship is taking on water despite the incredible (literally?) news being presented by Him at the Friday Nite Kumbaya Circle. Who ever heard of free food and babysitting being offered to try to entice people to come and see Him speak? Well, it is a rerun of a rerun of a rerun, BUT people should be falling all over themselves to attend, because it IS Him speaking.... Looks like things aren't shaping up too well if they are stooping to giveaways. I remember repeated requests for babysitting services to be provided for events and the public being told … [Read more...]
Superpower — The Facts
A write up by Dan Koon about Super Power has just appeared on Operation Clambake (see here). Because I have had so much to say about the subject of its "imminent" release, I am republishing Dan's write up here in full (though if you want the attachments referenced, go to Clambake, I have not attached them or linked to them here). If there is one person who knows the story of Super Power -- what it contains and what it is supposed to accomplish -- it is Dan Koon. His recollections may help distinguish the hype from reality and help make clear just what a boondoggle the entire Super Power … [Read more...]
This is a collection of rumors, "news" and "pitches" emanating from Flag.... They are trying to sell GAG II HARD. Also throwing in some "Super Power" and even a mention of OT IX to persuade the high rollers to get busy redoing their Basics, Purif and Objectives. First off, a pitch to attend Graduation. We are starting a competition for how many euphemisms can be thought up to announce His presence at Graduation. This has a few new ones: "you know who" and "the top" and my personal favorite "our main speaker." From: [email protected]: [email protected]: 7/5/2013 3:52:44 P.M. East … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update 5 July Fireworks Edition
Here is the news from last night's Graduation where He once again addressed his adoring fans. Of course, a lot of this could charitably be termed hype -- some is just outright lies. But it was a night of spectacle and verbal fireworks befitting the celebration of Independence Day. Though He announced "every org has their quota of trainees" he is apparently not completely clued in and has been taken off the Hawaii recruitment mailing list. Fasten your seatbelts, and prepare yourselves for this week's ride down the rabbit hole. Sarcastic comments by me in square brackets: - There is a … [Read more...]
Down The Rabbit Hole
This is a glimpse of the distorted, unreal world of illusion where nothing is normal that is the church of Scientology today. As the Mad Hatter has made clear, EVERY org has to have trainees through GAT II before it can be released (and that doesn't seem to be going too well as instead of a GAT II release event there is a special international showing of his 1993 self promotional video, see last post "Miscavige Waving Red Flag") And as he has also stated every Friday, ongoing right now, right here is the largest training program in the history of Scientology: GAT II. 800 trainees are n … [Read more...]