The red flag is flying on Miscavige's eroding sandcastle. This email is a sure "tell" that he is concerned. Concerned about his own PR and concerned about how he has not had a June 6th event and doesn't have a date for the "GAT II" big top extravaganza which is obviously going beyond his announced target of "late July." The natives are getting restless so he figures a good dose of Dear Leader in all his glory will help placate the rumblings of discontent. Miscavige considers this 1993 "War Is Over" event his greatest performance and most significant accomplishment. He has directed it be s … [Read more...]
The Hype Is Going Into Hyperdrive!
The PR machine has lifted off, straight up and vertical, in a historic display of amazing adjectives and state-of-the-art hyperbole that is 5 times the level experienced since the Wake Up Call. Then again, and all things previously mentioned pulled together into a cohesive whole, if you thought that was impressive, it was just the launching pad for a planetary assault of verbiage that dwarfs all else that has come before and when I say you cannot imagine the glories of PR puffery that are about to be unleashed I am not talking metaphorically. From: Clive Rabey - D … [Read more...]
Voldemort Friday Update
I am catching up. Just a couple of days behind now. This is the report from last Friday's graduation. Good news everyone -- HE is still here and still doing graduation, much to the excitement of the locals. Wonder if he will stay in town now that his twin has shamed him so? Here are the notes: - there were 247 Student Hat completions this week, which means 803 in the last month [remarkable they constantly tout REDOs -- everyone redoing Student Hat now, because this one is shorter? That makes sense... He even touts REDO's of Ideal Orgs] - the average time to complete the Pro T … [Read more...]
Voldemort Update
This report is a week out of date as I am still trying to catch up with all the emails and tips sent to me during the past week.... While a large concentration of SPs was within a mile, Voldemort snuck into the Auditorium to deliver his latest "come-on" for the miraculous divine revelation that is to be "GAT II". He was so worried about all the SP's around possibly enturbulating his Super Powerful OTness that he hired off duty police to guard the buildings for days before, through and for days after the wedding. Along with the CWPD Officers were additional PI's and Flag Security who were a … [Read more...]
Tampa Ideal/SH Size Org Not Flourishing
This is the St Petersburg "Life Improvement Center" of the Tampa Org on Tuesday afternoon. Yes, the doors are closed, the lights are off and there is nobody home. Similarly, the "Mission of Old Tampa Bay" that was opened with great fanfare, closed up shop more than a year ago. This "Life Improvement Center" cost at least a couple of million dollars as part of one of the earlier "here is how we are going to clear the planet." This is TAMPA ORG -- the largest "Ideal Org" in the world. TWO St Hill Size Orgs. 10,000 local Scientologists (if you believe the church PR) who are all … [Read more...]
The Mscvg Stdt Ht
Well, it turns out that the reason students are getting through the "Student Hat Tapes" in "record" time is that the lectures were EDITED. To remove "all the unnecessary technical data" that would cause them to bog. Dave himself personally oversaw this effort. And the clubbed seals cheer and clap and proclaim the great, omnipotent Dear Leader has delivered them to salvation once more. I believe he could literally stand on stage and tell his adoring crowds that he has found the "missing step" on the Bridge that undercuts the Purif which undercuts everything else and is WHY people are not … [Read more...]
Mr. and Mrs. Smith — “Another Round Of Great Rumors”
Sure seems strange to me that someone so actively promotes that they circulate rumors as far and wide as possible! And seems like they have to correct their "rumors" after each round.... Here is the latest: From: Mike Smith <[email protected]> To: [email protected]: June 14 Latest Juicey Rumors (#3) - and clarification of earlierwrong data (on OT VII EP)-LRH Ref. Hi Everyone, Another round of great rumors, but first clarification of earlier error re:OT VII: OT VII:There are apparently edits in a new version of the Grade Chart, which I amtold is now posted in LA Org, in t … [Read more...]
Voldemort Slays Crowd At Flag Graduation
Voldemort was AMAZING at Graduation last night. Can you believe he actually duplicates the problems students are having with instant reads! But then again, how hard can it be to know what's wrong when you created it in the first place? And Taiwan is going to become the next Ideal Org!! Funny, if you were at the Maiden Voyage 7 (or was it 8?) years ago this would seem a bit like deja vu. But then again, with the urgency of clearing the planet, a 7 year delay is not really important. At least its not as long as Harlem... Or Battle Creek. Or New Haven. Or Capetown,. Or, or, or... Here is an … [Read more...]
Get Your Obsolete EMeter Now — Only $3500
Calling all suckers. Give us $3500 now for a Mark VII that will be obsolete within weeks. We know that, and we are not telling you. The Orgs know it so we cannot sell them this deadstock. Thus we have got to try to unload these useless items to you at a small discount (don't worry, there is still plenty of profit in a $3500 meter). What a joke -- selling them at "staff" rate. Like there are any staff that can afford a $3500 meter. "Staff rate" should be "cost" and that would be 1/10th of this. This is the best indicator that the big sales item for "GAT II" is going to be the "Mark … [Read more...]
The Circular Bridge
Some interesting information escaping through the cracks in Miscavige's dike. Word is going around now that all OT8's have to re-do their Objectives. Most are stripped of cash from decades of 6 month checks and so the "OT Objectives Co-audit" was implemented. But there are some who will still pay Class IX rates to arrive once again in Present Time, or incredibly even go exterior. How the EPs of Objectives have not been achieved on the OT levels is the eighth wonder of the world. But of course, these are the "new" "GAT" Objectives. Meanwhile, the FSO is apparently desperate to get pe … [Read more...]