Here are a couple of recent emails sent out by what can only be classified as rumor-mongers extraordinaire. I am posting them as a matter of interest and to comment on a few things within the confusion bombs they dropped on their "selectees." My of my, with official rumor spreaders like this, who needs SPs to create confusion? Hi Everyone, Reliable rumors have it that Superpower, Cause Resurgence Rundown, Golden Age of Tech 2 and opening of the new delivery building will all happen "soon", with the best rumors being "in July". Some say early July, some late July. Some … [Read more...]
Sick of “Scientology City” Yet?
They are certainly milking Portland (the first "Scientology City" according to the church) for all its worth. Funny how they were terrified that this "Monumental Dedication Address" not be filmed by Mark Bunker and not be seen by anyone who is not already indoctrinated into the brilliance of Chairman of the Bored Technology Center. And now it is being shown 100 times as something "monumental." Come on now, if it's that good, shouldn't everyone be able to benefit from hearing/seeing what the great man had to say? Is Scientology only for Scientologists? Why is Miscavige hiding his l … [Read more...]