Here is a bit of the most recent Flag OT Committee newsletter, inaptly named "The OT Force." This is some seriously unimpressive stuff. Their report on the "2015 International OT Convention" is a good measure of the apathy that has set into the shrinking world of scientology. At BEST they claim 287 of the world's "top OT's" arrived at Flag for LRH's Birthday and the Convention. But judging by the photos there were really only about 100 people at the "convention" -- the rest I supposed just happened to be around. Even if 287 were true, it is really a VERY poor show. Remember, they … [Read more...]
What Have Those People On OT VII Been Doing?
Here is a new piece of insanity from the increasingly desperate regges at Flag boasting about "speed of auditing"... Among the numerous claims is that it NOW takes one year and six months to two and a half years to complete Solo NOTs. This begs the question that I am sure is blocked from the minds of the sheeple. What have those people who have been on "OT VII" for five, ten or more years, going in session 6 times per day, been doing? What is it that is SO MUCH FASTER now? Are they locating BTs and Clusters faster? Blowing them faster? The people that were doing hundreds of 10 m … [Read more...]
Denver Ideal Org Nonstop Fail
Remember, this is an "ideal" org. They have SO LITTLE to talk about that they have resorted to announcing the big news that ONE PERSON PAID for their "Clear Package." A SINGLE person PAID for auditing. ONE. And this is newsworthy. This "ideal" org was opened with great fanfare by COB hisself in June 2012. Three years ago. And they have likely not made a SINGLE CLEAR since then. But they are sure excited that after 3 years they have finally gotten someONE to pay to go Clear. Things are really looking up in Denver as the Rockies season has started again so the org will have … [Read more...]
ASHO’s New Role
For some time I have been commenting on ASHO being an org without a role. With the cancellation of the Briefing Course they have resorted to pushing "debugs" and "Basics." But now they have a new title "The Clearing Org of the Americas" This says an enormous amount about the abject failure of the "ideal" org program. Class V (local) scientology orgs are supposed to be the ones that do the "clearing." But the vast majority of them (all?) cannot do so. Literally, they do not have the staff trained to be able to deliver the necessary actions to certify someone as "clear." And this is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
ASHO Come and train on "the Basics" at ASHO. It's all they've got.... Strange though because ASHO isn't for new public, so how is it that 8 YEARS after the release of the Basics that were the "big thing" everyone had to do in 2007, there are still people who haven't done them? Stage an OTC Meeting for MV! There's nothing like some group agreement that everyone is going to fake it for MV. It's like an arms race. If you don't fake it, you will look bad by comparison as everyone knows everyone fakes it. Hi Team Valley, It is needed to have more footage of Valley and the … [Read more...]
Flag “Arrivals”
Some more drivel from the OT Committee Chairman Flag. But it gives some interesting insight into what it means when Miscavige or Freedom mag claims there are "2000 people on lines at Flag at any given time." You can see what the Flag OT Committee counts as "starts" -- anyone, anywhere OR AN EXTENSION COURSE! This is desperation. Really, with the Golden Age of Tech II flooding people up the Bridge, with more ideal orgs than ever, the release of Super Power and the Running Program, more IAS Dissemination Campaigns than ever in history, a massive internet presence and interest in … [Read more...]
Flag The Quickiest Place In The World
Crazy Edy is at it again. This woman was once posted as the Quality Executive International! And now is shouting "speed of auditing results" from the rooftops (and offering coupons for smoothies to encourage you go to Flag to be wallet raped by the battalion of regges). Hi, Right now there is no better time to go to Flag and get onto New OT VII! It is fast and we have unique offers to make it more affordable. Here is how long some recent public took to Stay All The Way to New OT VII: 1. Idan Gov Ari from Isreal did Solo II, OT Elig, OT I, OT II, OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI A, OT V … [Read more...]
Clearing The Planet
There are SO many things wrong with this latest email -- though the huge elephant in the room is that in order to "clear the planet" she is proud of the fact that they "[re]make a Clear every 3 hours." That is 8 per day. Or about 50 per week... For 150 orgs that is about 1 per MONTH on average. But worse, she is apparently oblivious to the fact that the population of this planet increases by 8561 people per hour. If you were asserting you were creating a room full of white sand by adding 3 grains every hour, but failed to mention 8561 black grains were being poured into that same room … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Blow ALL barriers to production! I hope all 6 staff of the Cambridge "ideal" org attend, they could use some increase in competence and eradicating their barriers to production... The First "Ideal" Continent They have some players on the disabled list -- more accurately in the obituary section. Hawaii. Albuquerque. St Louis. Dead as doornails. This is not going to be the first ideal continent ever. Nashiville Artist? I wonder if this is like those Rolix watches they sell for $10 in China. Is Nashiville a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa. And who IS Tyller … [Read more...]
March 13 Hype-O-Rama
Just getting around to this -- things have been pretty hectic in the last few weeks and this one took a bit more work. A Special Correspondent attended the March 13th event in LA and reported some entertaining first-hand observations which serve as an introduction to some key points from the International Scientology News March 13 "Birthday Game" edition. First, the on-the-ground report from the Dolby Theater in LA. A grey, barely marked, Church of Scientology mini-bus pulled up to the curb and discharged 4 or 5 people into the crowd that makes Hollywood & Highland a nightly spe … [Read more...]