"Ideal" Continent Will be accomplished by getting buildings renovated for Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra. Never mind the fact there is not a single org in Indonesia, the Philippines, China, South East Asia, Oceania or the Indian subcontinent. Planetary Clearing is happening! More ideal-y-ness Community and Economic Development? If they're so good at this, how come their own communities are disappearing before their very eyes? They're down to a handful of scientologists in the major cities of S. Africa and you can count them on one hand in … [Read more...]
The Arte Maren A Thon
You can check out his video here. It's heavy scienospeak -- his birthday is to "celebrate my identity in this body, the name on this body"... And he goes on from there claiming he is going to relate some of his personal experiences with L. Ron Hubbard (not including mentioning I am sure that L. Ron Hubbard considered him and the other people in the GO to be treasonous bastards who had tried to take him down). Credit where it's due though, Arte looks pretty damn good for 80... His event is pretty strange. Just trying to rekindle his glory days with himself as the center of attention it … [Read more...]