The Razzline is doing an effective job of "spreading the flap" -- letting everyone know about the HBO "hatchet job" that is coming... Working in league with the church, they are demonstrating remarkable prowess in making this the most well promoted documentary ever to appear on HBO, perhaps on television. From: Paul Clark [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 6:58 AM To: TheRazzLine Email Service Subject: Opinion. Re "Hatchet Jobs" on the church and the most recent movie. Don't freak out and don't be effect every time some self-important jerk does a … [Read more...]
Cardone on Compassion, Wiki on Going Clear
The real question here is how "GC" applies his philosophy to himself. Does he fear the church? Is this why he and his beautiful bride hand over so much cash to keep the church happy? In that case, does he classify himself as the weak that listen to them? This guy is a caricature of everything that is bad about scientologists. Money and status obsessed. Arrogant. No empathy. And absolutely certain he has the answers to everything. Except perhaps how he can be such a dupe... Wikipedia on Going Clear Someone has done an excellent job with the new Wikipedia entry … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Age Of Evasion
Scientology's "Golden Age of Evasion" (GAE) is unfolding in all its glory. They ran an ad on the Super Bowl they called "Age of Answers," proclaiming "welcome to the age of answers." Like most things scientological, what they state is the polar opposite of reality. First, the ad was placed only in those areas with "Ideal Orgs" -- and not even all of those qualified. Some of those "ideal orgs" are such pitiful failures that nothing could justify throwing away money placing the ad in their market. The ads were placed FOR EXISTING SCIENTOLOGISTS. Fearing the repercussions of exposure of … [Read more...]
Going Clear Prison of Belief II
This is a cheat, partly because I am traveling today, but more because I think Tony Ortega has literally said almosgt everything I wanted to say about the second showing of the film at his blog. He recounts my thoughts after last night as we sat together and I felt able to watch it more objectively than the first time. The art of this film is how it is woven together into a cohesive picture. The problem with this film from scientology's perspective is that they will NOT be able to convince people that everyone in it is just lying (audiences will make their own value judgments about the … [Read more...]
Going Clear: The Prison Of Belief
I am late to the party with my thoughts about Alex Gibney's Going Clear The Prison Of Belief, not being as diligent as Tony Ortega, who despite NOT being a "former Scientologist" nevertheless has the work ethic of a dedicated Sea Org member. There are numerous media accounts of the film and the premiere and I will not try and recount everything, because I don't want to spend hours rehashing what has already been said by others. And frankly, nobody else's take on the movie is going to have the same meaning to you as you will get when you have the opportunity to see it. Which is itself high … [Read more...]
Shit Scientology Says
This is the third in the scientology HBO footbullet series. See the two previous posts. My comments about are in blue. They follow reviewing the Freedom magazine pages about Alex Gibney and HBO. Below is the introductory statement: More than two years after Alex Gibney, Lawrence Wright and HBO started working in secret on a film glorifying bitter, vengeful apostates expelled from the Church of Scientology for malfeasance, they continue to stonewall any offers to meet with Church officials. Furthermore, they won’t tell the Church any of their allegations, let alone allow for a fair and … [Read more...]
Scientology/The Media Redux
Thanks to Tony Ortega for being right on the ball and putting up the image of the full page footbullet early this morning. Tony also took the time to retype the text of the ad and I am taking a few minutes to comment on some of their drivel. First, there is this quote from Monique Edwige Yingling in the NY Times article of last evening: "Monique E. Yingling, a lawyer for the church, said shunning was practiced by a number of religions, has been upheld as legally permissible by courts and, in the case of Scientology, is reserved for those who have started “attacking the r … [Read more...]
Scientology Promoting HBO Documentary
Scientology is apparently hell bent on turning Alex Gibney's upcoming documentary into a major hit. More power to them. The New York Times reports the church is taking out full page ads to denounce a film they have not seen. This is every PR man's dream. The HBO PR Team should send them a thank you basket. With The Interview so fresh in everyone's mind, the chances of scientology convincing anyone this is a "UVA/Rolling Stone redux" are slim to none. The take away is more likely to be persuading/intriguing people to see the film because scientology hates it with such … [Read more...]