Someone Someone sent this article to me recently: Is There a Difference Between a Cult and a Brand? This is the sort of positioning scientology, and Miscavige in particular, absolutely HATE. Scientology is put into the same category as Heaven's Gate, NXIVM, Rajneesh etc. and compared to Tupperware, Amway and Mary Kay... It notes that these MLMs use the same model that L. Ron Hubbard did: selling increasingly expensive courses and “technologies.” It also mentions "the ever-growing library of documentaries about Scientology." It's a growing problem for scientology. As much as they … [Read more...]
Episode 40: Dr. Steven Hassan
Leah and I welcome Dr. Steve Hassan to the podcast this week. A former Moonie, Steve is today an internationally recognized expert in the field of cults and undue influence. We cover a lot of territory, including undue influence, hypnosis and the methods used to control people. Dr. Hassan holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Cambridge College and a Doctorate in Organizational Development and Change from Fielding Graduate University School of Leadership Studies. He is a member of the Program in Psychiatry and the Law at Harvard Medical School. He is Founding Director … [Read more...]