NOI bringing calm... ...if it wasn't for those insane rants by Louis Farrakhan that TonyMo keeps defending. Wonder when scientology is going to cut their losses on this? Oh wait, they would have to admit they AREN'T the best judge of people on the planet... They're starting the IRS pitch already... Join the dolphins? This has to be a mistake. David Miscavige declared war on Winter the Dolphin in Clearwater. He hates dolphins. It must be Halloween... Coming out of the darkest shadows is the old GO operative who helped … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The most important announcement in history... ...until the next event. And the announcement? "We need more money." We will pay you $12 an hour... or give you a "very upstat and meaningful commendation" A message from Carol Nolan I was the Deputy Command Officer Internal of OSA International for many years. Now I am doing fundraising in Africa. My career path seems to be on the decline... where did I go wrong? Is there any hope? Or is my next stop gig booker for the Jive Aces? He's back! Well, that is a relief. It was only … [Read more...]
“Astonishing Accomplishments” at “Magnificent” IAS Weekend
Scientology is patting itself on the back following the 34th annual IAS event. A few morsels of mulleted magnificence to set the scene -- and this was just the preamble to get to the actual avent: East Grinstead appears as if from a storybook, a medieval marketplace... ...blissfully tranquil ...wave upon wave of attendees, their anticipation abounding. ...the crunch of stone and gravel below boots and high heels echoed down the drive, dusk turned to night and an evening of wonder was now poised to begin. It was the typical stream of adjectival excess that sprang forth in the strange … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Good question? How COULD we have the only workable solution on earth and have orgs that are scrappy and degraded? Even though we charge exorbitant amounts to let you in on that workable solution? Do you people ever actually THINK about this? The Medieval Motif Subliminal messaging? Build a castle and all will be well... It will blow you mind! Believe it or not the mind blowing news IAS that there is MORE fundraising! You are going to be blown away by how serious International Management is about taking your money! A permanent plaque Unless of … [Read more...]
CCHR Not Supported by IAS?
Hold the phone. Breaking news. The IAS proclaims over and over that the "wins" of CCHR are "thanks to your support of the IAS." Anyone who has been around CCHR or the IAS internally knows that is an absolute lie. But the public facade continues. Yet, it's hard to keep things like this totally secret. And here is more evidence. And how about this statement: There are currently 3 non-SO staff... How are there ANY Sea Org CCHR staff? This is not a "Sea Org" organization... And then a new one arrived about something else the IAS proclaims is all "thanks to your donations to … [Read more...]
Miscavige in Panic Mode
Whenever things get really worrisome in David Miscavige's world he orders everyone to rewatch the 1993 "War Is Over" event. This is his crowning achievement and he wants to remind everyone what an incredible accomplishment it was. He is convinced this is his “greatest performance” and it makes him look good, which tells you a lot. His tiny figure on that massive stage with flaming sconces taken from the castle in Young Frankenstein projects, in his mind, the image of power he craves. In truth, it WAS incredible. It should never have happened. And while it is a bulwark in the defensive wal … [Read more...]
More IAS Weak Sauce
It's always so good to see the results of the billion dollars the IAS has collected at work. They found a person who handed a WTH booklet to some kids in the neighborhood and they "stopped fighting." If ever there was a monumental accomplishment that explains "what your donations buy" it must be this one. And this is what they CHOOSE to promote? The best they've got. The ultimate.... It is highly likely that this person who gave the neighborhoods kids a copy of this booklet did NOT get the booklet from the IAS. More than likely he or she had to buy their own copy to hand out. … [Read more...]
IAS Membership
The real truth about the international "expansion" of scientology. Sorry, I posted the wrong version of this earlier -- my commentary was omitted. Was rushing to take the family to the airport this morning -- back home to Florida after visiting me in LA. This list of "top FSMs" is a CUMULATIVE total that began on March 13th (the end of the "Birthday Game"). This is the GRAND TOTAL number of NEW IAS monthly "subscriptions" since March. It is LESS THAN 300 in 4 months. These are people who agree to go on a monthly fixed amount of "donation" to the IAS. Either this is a miniscule … [Read more...]
The “Exact Person” Behind the “Entire Drug Epidemic”
More bizarre news from Denver via IAS Freedom Medal winner Meghan Fialkoff. While Denver HCO are busy trying to ferret out whether anyone in their field is NOT disaffected, they had some pretty remarkable news (though you have to wonder if there was anyone there to hear it). Apparently, like L. Ron Hubbard announcing the exact 12 men on planet earth who were trying to stop scientology, it seems Meghan Fialkoff has found THE PERSON responsible for the "entire drug epidemic and drug pushing" in this country. This has got to be a powerful dude. Anyone who attended this event, I would … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This week seems to have a lot of "Why I donated" items. Maybe stats are down on the ideal org/IAS front? In that regard, I repeat the notice I first posted yesterday: NOTICE I am interested in hearing from anyone who has given money to scientology and suffered financial hardship/crises as a result, and especially if you then tried to get to get your money back and were unable to do so. Please write to me at [email protected] with the following information: How much money in total you gave Which orgs you gave it to The consequences for you and/or … [Read more...]