They are at it again. MEGA status is the latest term to enter the Scientology dictionary -- you know the dictionaries that Voldemort announced in 2001 (or maybe before?) that are STILL not complete and released. This now joins the other coined terms of late in the world of the RCS: Humanitarian -- someone who went into debt to give money to buy MEST for those not in need Command Intention -- whatever Voldemort wants or is thought to want Department 21 -- David Miscavige Training -- buying The Basics and Lectures OT -- Objectives Co-audit There are of course many more and I am sure a … [Read more...]
Blessed by Lord Voldemort
"We want to be done with this project by the end of the year, the reason being that this is what we were asked to do and the project has a LOT of attention from high up, if you know what I mean? I consider it an honor to be asked to help on this project, that someone trusts me enough to work on it." Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 From: PAC OTC <>Subject: Like helping? Hi team, I need some help. And I hope my friends (that means you) can help me. As you know if you were at the last Pac OTC meeting, Andrea Kluge and I have swapped positions on the Event Center project we have … [Read more...]
Voldemort No Show
You may recall from my post last week "Voldemort News" that the ironclad promise was that the date of "The Events" would absolutely be announced at this week's graduation -- "make sure not to miss it." I guess everyone took heed except Voldemort himself. He was a no show at graduation. And thus there were no dates announced for "The Events" -- what a shock and massive disappointment for those being held captive at Flag! But, you will of course be pleased to know that there was a lot of fabulous, amazing, incredible news -- the GAG II and Class XII trainees are "progressing nicely," "f … [Read more...]
GAG II “Before Christmas”
Christmas seems to start earlier every year. But not for the staff. All they are getting is lumps of coal thrown at them by Miscavige and his unhappy, unsmiling, cold chrome steel RTC robotpersons. Staff around the world, but ESPECIALLY at AOSHUK know they are going to be in BIG trouble if they don't get "Highest Ever" attendance for these, the most important (non) events in the history of mankind. Little notes attached to the lumps of coal tell them the events are happening "soon" but there are no dates. As good, loyal SO members they are doing what they can to "make it go right." And al … [Read more...]
IAS Running Amok
The IAS seems to be worried they are going to get shafted yet again. Remember Maiden Voyage sinking without sound -- one of their two big events each year? So, they are apparently taking matters into their own hands. Holding individual "events" to celebrate reg for their anniversary. How uncoordinated have things become... If they DO hold a tent revival in Clearwater sometime, are they going to have the public show up for a second time to celebrate be regged? And by the way -- who ever heard of a lame announcement like this before? No special guest speaker? No pronouncements from Cha … [Read more...]
Promises, Promises….
So much for the first month -- a big fat nothing. None of the four epic accomplishments was done.... Wonder how many people are sitting around at Flag waiting for anything to happen -- desperately trying to avoid the regges? (Good luck with that) Now they are piling on. Promoting the wonders of the IAS event "directly following" the opening of the SP Building and release of GAG II. Make your plans to attend. We are just not telling you WHEN it will be. But when we finally make up our minds a week before the event you will be expected to be there. From: Nitzan Burstein, IAS A … [Read more...]
More On The Vulture Culture Revisited
My apologies for being somewhat out of touch on the blog over the last little while. I have been attending to some business. I was looking for something tonight for another reason and came across this post I did on Marty Rathbun's blog in November 2011. I thought it very relevant to much that has been said of late and so I am republishing it here for any who may not have read it back at that time. The use of the term "POB" in here was understood by the blog readers at the time to be "Pope on a Box" a reference to the fact that Miscavige uses an "apple box" to make him appear taller (an apple … [Read more...]
King of the Beggars
Jon Lundeen has been a champion money grubber for a LONG time. Way back in the 70's he was plying his trade at Flag. He has been "Captain" at ASHO for many years now (a sure fire indication there is NO management structure in Scientology as one of the hallmarks of Scientology management is the musical chairs of org EDs/COs, especially for orgs like ASHO that have continued on a decades long slow decline). But, the secret of his longevity is disclosed in his letter. Jon is a "team player." Like a public whale who can get away with anything as long as he keeps filling the coffers of the I … [Read more...]
Dante’s Inferno — Scientology Style
Here is the ultimate admission that corporate Scientology has arrived at its final destination. Giving money IS the new auditing. Turning over cash provides "case gain", confers remarkable abilities and powers on you and it gives you status (at least according to the endless stream of promotion, emails, videos and events). Everything anyone could ever want from a journey to spiritual enlightenment and "truth revealed". The descent into MEST -- which is after all what money represents and that old saying is very true, money can't buy you happiness (or love if you follow the Beatles … [Read more...]
Miscavige’s Motto
Finally, some (accidental) truth in advertising. This IS what the orgs and "Humanitarians" have been led to believe "If you build it, they will come" -- so it's interesting to see it being stated overtly. But it is NOT the whole truth. The truer statement would be the actual Miscavige Motto -- "If you build it, they will believe me." THAT campaign has worked with the sheeple. They DO believe that the purchase and renovation of buildings is proof of massive international expansion. It even worked with some media for a while (you never see ANY statement from the church that doesnt include how … [Read more...]