The farce continues. These people continue to believe there is something of value to having an "Ideal Nation." That achieving this will be a "victory" and is something that is important to "race" to accomplish. What they mean is that all EXISTING Orgs in the US will have a newly renovated building. They have been going on these kicks for some time about "An All Ideal California" or "All Ideal Florida" as if this represents a great advance for mankind. Their "victories" have been meaningless. As I have said plenty of times here, there are already "ideal nations" where the existing … [Read more...]
Ideal Org “Good News”
This is a collection of standard issue, cookie-cutter scientology mirages, misrepresentations and lies. If you see a promo piece from a scientology org, "ideal" or otherwise, you know you will be witnessing some bs. Let's start at the top. This is their collection of "Good News" -- the best news they can come up with in this ideal org. And that consists of a single "success story" from someone who is already a Class V auditor and has already read "all the basics" upon completion of the Technique 88 lecture series. For those unfamiliar, the Technique 88 lectures … [Read more...]
Toronto Files Fail
OMG! Toronto is thinking about finishing their files. Like every single org on earth, they are incapable, even in this age of computers, of keeping their paper files up to date. They probably have millions of pieces of paper lying around unfiled since the 70's and now, 20 years after the "ideal org" evolution began, they are going to handle their backlog. One might ask the question, what have they been doing for 20 years? One of the only orgs on earth that was not required to buy a new building in order to become "ideal" they have sat frozen in time since 2003 unable to raise the money … [Read more...]
Dublin is Not So Ideal
Dublin is one of the stranger scientology orgs on earth. An enormous investment was made into this organization in a country where scientology has never been even remotely popular. There was a small, failing, bankrupt mission in Dublin. That was the extent of scientology's presence. Miscavige then bought one of the "Hubbard Offices" to try to preserve his "legacy" (and as a way of spending money for IRS purposes). For a short while Hubbard had an office in Merrion Square in Dublin where he delivered the "Personal Efficiency" course which was supposed to be the tool that boomed scientology. … [Read more...]
Amazing Seminar! Blow Away!!!!
OK, I must have seen literally a thousand of these "come to this event, it will be incredible/amazing/spectacular/blow away" etc etc with endless exclamation points. They are the same people over and over talking about the same thing. They promise incredible information which is just one of these "FSMs" (who earn a commission on everything that is paid for as a result) rehashing some old Hubbard quotes as if they are a new revelation. And then they really get down to business with some good old Big League Sales and hard sell money-grubbing. What is particularly remarkable … [Read more...]
Lords of Ideal
These people are losing their shit. They come up with the stupidest crap to make everything a "game". Funny how it's not a "game" when it comes to handing over cash, and very much not a game when they have maxed out your credit cards, you’ve gotten a second mortgage and now you have declared bankruptcy after giving in to their very unfunny demands. Think about this. At this point, every org in WUS except Albuquerque and Hawaii are "ideal." They pretty much have an "ideal Continent" -- they HAVE an "ideal" California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado and Arizona. This is what they say i … [Read more...]
Another Ideal Org Fail
So much to unpack here. This is an "Ideal Org" -- Miscavige flew in and yanked his ribbon in January 2017. An "ideal org" that in 4 years, like all the rest of them, has gone nowhere, let alone St. Hill Size. According to Hubbard, they should have attained St. Hill Size in a "matter of weeks" and there should be a Universe Corps team there getting all the staff through their OT levels. Instead, the ED and OES have just now completed their Objectives! Yes, the course that comes right after the introductory TR's course and before any metered auditing takes place. And they are … [Read more...]
Another Ideal Org Taking The World By Storm
As a companion to the post yesterday about Sydney "ideal" org comes this from Perth. Since the beginning of civilization (which according to Hubbard begins with the release of Dianetics -- hence 2020 is really "AD 70") Perth has been a lonely and pathetic outpost in the scientology world. Nothing much has ever happened there with the exception of buying a new building. And literally, that was it. They got new premises out in the sticks and it has stayed as moribund as it had been for the previous 40 or 50 years. They are not even up to thinking about "going SH Size." They are stoked by … [Read more...]
Still Not St Hill Size — And Never Will Be
Sydney "ideal" org has gotten quite a lot of airtime on this blog as they send out promotional items that are routinely forwarded to me. Also because Australian -- and Sydney happens to be my favorite city in the world (close second, London). They, like all the other "ideal" orgs are evidence of the complete failure of this "bright idea" program in every respect other than swelling the coffers of scientology. For those of you who have not been around scientology for the last 25 years, let me explain how this "ideal org" program got started. It was a confluence of (un)fortunate … [Read more...]
Going Ideal?
Apparently he is already an "Ideal Org Staff", though Port Elizabeth, after 20 YEARS of trying, is not close to even purchasing a building in order to be "ideal." Once again, it is clear that this has simply become a catch-phrase in scientology. And these poor people say it as if it means something. "Going ideal" is as empty a concept as "Clearing the Planet." It means absolutely nothing. How do we know? After 20 years, there is a long list of "ideal" orgs and nothing has changed in the world. During this time, scientology has shrunk. It is a fraction of the size it was in the 80's. … [Read more...]