Even in the world of scientology relentless money-grubbing for everything, perhaps the biggest boondoggle ever is the "L. Ron Hubbard Hall." This is a project that is even LESS needed than "ideal" org buildings. Some orgs have resided in shitty premises for decades, so there is some merit in improving their facilities. Though of course not to the extent of moving tiny, failing orgs into 50,000 sq ft buildings in industrial parks replete with custom furniture and carpets. But there is no need whatsoever for an "event facility" dedicated to scientology events. They cannot fill Ruth Eckerd … [Read more...]
Canada – The First Ideal Country?
Hold on a second. The scientology definition of an "Ideal Country" is all EXISTING ORGS with "ideal buildings"... This is what they push all the time. We need an "ideal USA" -- that does not mean an ideal org in every city. It doesn't even mean an ideal org in each State. It simply means, all the orgs that ALREADY EXIST need to have new buildings purchased for them (or in the case of Toronto and Los Angeles, simply renovate the one they have -- which STILL isn't done in Toronto). Scientology hasn't opened a new org anywhere in recent memory. By this definition, the following COUNTRIES … [Read more...]
Holiday Funnies
A special edition of the Funnies just for the holidays. There is an apparently endless stream of "Holiday" promotion -- though scientology of course does not recognize Jesus as anything but part of the "R6 bank." Virtual Freewinds Wouldn't you like to be at the Freewinds for the holidays? So, to entice you to go there, they are holding a virtual concert in Los Angeles? WTF? Virtual Hawaii And the point of this? Strictly a fundraiser obviously. What does Bodhi Elfman have to do with Christmas? Or Hawaii? Or anything at all? Well, they are going to … [Read more...]
Clearing the Planet is Hopelessly Bugged
The claim "we are Clearing our area" or "we are Clearing the planet" is almost a mantra inside the scientology bubble. It seems they believe if they say it often enough, it will make it true. What they are willfully oblivious to is the fact they are doing no such thing. And every measure of this is glaringly obvious. There have been no NEW Class V orgs opened since Taiwan. There are the same number of scientology orgs now as there were in the 80's. The number of missions is shrinking. So too Narconons and all the other front groups. There isn't a single Class V org in … [Read more...]
Raffle Mania
Despite the Hubbard policy forbidding this, apparently the desperation for money overcomes all restraints. Though, as CCHR delivers no "services" I supposed they have somewhat of an excuse. But where is the IAS? The IAS repeatedly uses the fact they support CCHR, and announces their "wins" as a reason people should give money to the IAS to "eradicate psychiatry." It is a mainstay of the IAS mantra. So, how come CCHR has to hold raffles to raise money? Of course, the next question to ask about this -- are they fighting for the kids IN SCIENTOLOGY who are being abused? That is of … [Read more...]
Scientology “Volunteers”
My recent post, Bonnie's Sad Tale, noted the use of the term "volunteer" repeatedly to describe working as an org staff member. I commented that this "volunteer" status is a legal sham. It is simply a way of taking advantage of the law -- and that no org staff are actually "volunteers." It's simple to prove. If they cease to "volunteer" before completing their contract, they are given a bill for services they have taken in "exchange" for their work (a freeloader bill). That, by definition, is not a volunteer. And they also have to sign a contract. And they are promised "wages." And they … [Read more...]
Bonnie’s Sad Tale
This is a very sad story. Yet another bright young woman indoctrinated into becoming a willing scientology slave. She is so proud of the fact that she was the youngest fundraiser for the "ideal org" (something that changed absolutely nothing in Sydney or anywhere else). And she was a fundraiser for the IAS, upset that she "only regged $5,000 today." This is perfectly normal in the scientology world. And she proclaims she has been on staff for 11 years and has completed NED (but is not Clear), the Student Hat and Metering Course. This is the big "benefit" of 11 years of "volunteering" as … [Read more...]
BIG BIG BIG **** BIG BIG BIG **** NEWS!!!!!!!!
Surely, the ALL CAPS, asterisks, exclamation points and misspelled word signifies the announcement that the planet has been cleared? At least ideal Southern California? Or even just The Valley? After all, the magnitude of this news is no exageration [sic]... Alas, the 6X big news is that you can win and be awarded by handing us your money. Woohoo. What a thrill. You hand over the cash and we will not only "award" you, we will tell you that your money is worth twice as much, so you can be twice as proud! You get a $20,000 certificate and you only have to give us $10,000. Who could … [Read more...]
The Largest Virtual Event in History
Well, you may not "love" it.... But it is happening today and according to them it is not only huge -- bigger than the Oscars, the Emmy's or any other virtual event -- boy is it exciting. You get to hand over more cash for the 8 orgs that have STILL not gotten their new empty building open, nearly 20 years after this ridiculous "ideal org" program began. There's not a drop of hype to be found anywhere. If you want to see what you are missing out on, here it is: You really have to wonder if these people ever stop to think about what they are doing? They have had an "ideal … [Read more...]
All-American Hero
This guy is an "icon" and "all-American hero" because he has given some of his ill-earned cash to ideal org campaigns, but more so because he has persuaded others to part with their money. Who can forget his wacked out video on Tony Ortega's site: "You're going to pay this money fucking eventually"? It is an interesting microcosm of the crazy world of scientology that this is what is lauded. He is a hero figure for scientology. The ONLY criteria for being a hero, humanitarian, icon, champion or any other title you can think of is giving money. While Hubbard said it was the "lowest … [Read more...]