It seems inappropriate to run the Thursday Funnies this morning in light of the events at the Inglewood Ideal org last evening. Tony Ortega, as he always does, is keeping up with the story and you can follow the news at his blog. He does a great job of sorting the bs from the real facts. Someone being killed, wherever it occurs, is horrendous and tragic. The circumstances of this death remain unclear, and somewhat mysterious. Either the person who was shot by police is someone who had contact with scientology and was upset about something they had done or were doing, or the person had … [Read more...]
The Failed Inglewood “ideal org” Experiment
Well, I guess the great social experiment of bringing scientology to the "African American cultural epicenter" has failed. Problem is that virtually everyone they could persuade to take services in this place are imports from other orgs and they repeatedly show their graduations and completions featuring a host of clearly non-locals from CC Int and elsewhere (see latest example below). The strategy of opening Harlem and Inglewood took a HUGE hit with the death of Isaac Hayes. He was the impetus for these orgs even exiting in the first place as he repeatedly harangued Miscavige about the … [Read more...]
The Biggest News Since The Last News
Pasadena and Inglewood have been avoiding the heat. All the attention and effort has been on LA Org and Valley (apparently Orange County doesn't qualify for anything....) So it's being turned up. Suddenly, out of the blue, they are going to be "St Hill Size." Anyone want to bet that the plan is to send Sea Org teams into these orgs? I don't have the report from the briefings over the weekend yet, but this is the "pilot" that was done in LA Org. I can imagine Miscavige railing about the "useless, unutilized Sea Org members" at Int and at the HGB and in CLO WUS and so they are going to be … [Read more...]