Finally, some (accidental) truth in advertising. This IS what the orgs and "Humanitarians" have been led to believe "If you build it, they will come" -- so it's interesting to see it being stated overtly. But it is NOT the whole truth. The truer statement would be the actual Miscavige Motto -- "If you build it, they will believe me." THAT campaign has worked with the sheeple. They DO believe that the purchase and renovation of buildings is proof of massive international expansion. It even worked with some media for a while (you never see ANY statement from the church that doesnt include how … [Read more...]
$10,000 Pin Commemorating Miscavige’s Finest Hour
Just when you thought it couldn't get cheesier. Give us $10,000 and we will give you a special pin to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the IAS event. Note, the event was held on 8 October, but the commemorative pin "expires" Thursday 15 August at 2pm! Gimmick much? With this pin, you are being "given the chance" to "be a part of this historic movement." A pin now makes you part of a historic movement? This event was a movement? Maybe they will mint a special "Civil Rights" pin so you can be part of that historic movement too? Oh, that's right, they already have "The Humanitarian" m … [Read more...]
Donate to the IAS for Sea Org Day. Huh????
The constant "give us your money" drumbeat is only growing louder. But it is becoming ever more brazen and the "reasons" are getting more and more absurd. This new email contains so many outpoints it is difficult to comprehend that anyone in their right mind would have sent it. But here it is: From: Ashley <[email protected]>Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 4:05 AMSubject: 46 years ago on August 12thTo: [email protected] Dear Scientologist, 46 years ago on August 12th, LRH formed the Sea Organization. This year a large focus is on target attainment for the … [Read more...]
Volunteer Minister Crusade Claims — Fact Check
Another in our series of Fact Checking claims made by the Church of Scientology on their internet sites. Our hardworking Special Correspondent has taken the time once again to attempt to verify the generalities put forth. This is no easy task.... I recently received the latest IAS mag unironically titled "Indiscriminate Help Anytime Anywhere" and so I added a little section of my own to the end of Natasha's good work. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – Part 5 Something Can Be Done About It by Natasha Boris Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns, terrorist attacks, b … [Read more...]
Mystery Solved — It’s the T Shirts Stupid
The latest briefing to the Flag OT Committee has revealed the "Something Very Special At The End" of the Super Special "Turning Point" replay of the 20 year old video event -- T-shirts!!! But not just ANY old t-shirts. They are "designed by Giorgio Armani." I posted yesterday about the desperation. This is a whole new level. I don't think anything further need be said: Public Officer FSO, Mathilde briefed us about the event this weekend on Saturday night. She said that this will be the Summer IAS Event like that which is usually held on the Freewinds at Maiden Voyage Anni … [Read more...]
How Miscavige Plans to "Clear the Planet"
by Mike Rinder Here is the latest poster put out by the RCS (copyrighted to CSI who are apparently now the main fundraisers for the IAS). It consists entirely of a quote from Chairman Mao that perhaps is more candid than he intended. He clearly delineates HIS strategy for planetary clearing. It doesn't involve training or auditing or Grade Charts or anything so messy and difficult that would require actual DELIVERY. The "IAS" is going to "Clear The Planet" -- hip hip hooray for the IAS. Hip hip hooray for "Chairman of the Bored" of Scientology Inc. (inclusive of the IAS and every other e … [Read more...]