The Old Guard Generally reflecting the state of scientology, the old guard is pretty much all there is left... Fatten them up before the slaughter... Or: You gotta use some cheese to catch the mouse It's a Mega New Status! Really? Truth in Advertising For once. Really it should say the Brave or the Stupid. Ideal Org -- What do you get? Big old empty rooms that look like sets out of a scientology tech film. An Island of Sanity If you define sanity as a graveyard -- of course nobody ever argues or questions in … [Read more...]
Eradicating Psychiatry — “Less steps than baking a cake.”
Ken Kramer is at it again. As usual, he is begging for money, even though the IAS claim THEY are the ones "eradicating psychiatry." Just like they are the ones bringing "human rights" and "literacy campaigns" (see recent post on GoFundMe page for those campaigns). Here are a couple of recent emails from Mr. Kramer. From: PsychSearch <[email protected]> Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 3:35 AM To: Subject: You say you want a revolution You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world... (Beatles - Revolution Lyrics) Dear … [Read more...]
IAS Abandons Youth For Human Rights and Literacy Campaigns
Well, the truth is they never really had them (or anything else that requires spending money on anything other than buildings). Remember Tim Bowles? Former "good guy" partner of Rick Moxon? He won an IAS Freedom Medal for his work with children in Africa. The IAS repeatedly announces it's "support" for human rights, most particularly "Youth For Human Rights". They gave an IAS Freedom Medal to Mary Shuttleworth, the head if the whole show. They have literally collected tens of millions of dollars on the basis of their PR that they are "bringing human rights to the world." They claim … [Read more...]
Hysteria of the SP’s and 60X Expansion
Tom Cruise's brother in law, nominal "head" of "Criminon International" and IAS fundraising shill has poured his heart into his latest letter beseeching people to come hear him speak on behalf of the IAS (so he can collect his FSM commissions). This letter is fascinating on many levels: He starts out in Chicken Little mode: look how bad things are, everyone is against us and it is terrible. But with it comes the scientology twist: all this PROVES we are winning. The "hysteria of the SP's" - ie the constant stream of bad news that pours in the door -- from media coverage to legal losses … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What's Next? One thing for sure -- it will involve taking your money. All of it. Craig Mathieson? Been in the SO for 40 years and doesn't have a post worth mentioning? And they can't figure out who their top technical terminal is? Moneywinds Someone has been reading this blog and forced them to do a token promotional piece that doesn't talk about making money. But how unreal can you get? Learn how to throw the switch to light a universe? Who is going to teach them that? Mountain View Juggernauts Now renamed the Mountain View Juggernoughts. You … [Read more...]
Scientology: Human Rights Champions or Abusers?
Scientology takes great pains to present itself to the world as a champion of human rights. Their tag line is "Making Human Rights A Global Reality." Look at their website - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is prominently featured. And their efforts to "ensure the human rights of everyone" are mentioned extensively. Same in Freedom magazine (when it is published -- seems to have dried up of late). Videos showing their wondrous human rights programs are routinely shown at Miscavige's Nuremberg Rally events. Here is the Freedom magazine home p … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Somehow this just seems wrong When are they going to hold a Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of The Hole? Nashville is not rocking This has been an "ideal" org now for SIX YEARS and they JUST got a CCRD auditor and C/S. So much for "clearing their area." And so much for the "lightning fast" training promised with GAG II in November 2013 when all the trainees went for their "short" training program. Monumental breakthroughs! Earth shaking I am sure. Where has TC's brother in law been all these months? Food, glorious food Seems this … [Read more...]
Making A Living “Busting Psychs”
Our old friend Ken Kramer has gotten himself into the fundraising business. It seems to have become part of the ethnicity of being a scientologist. You can bet that he is making his living doing this. He found a little niche and is making a pitch for people to give him money to "destroy the psychs" -- he is a mini-IAS! And what better subject to get scientologists going than psychiatry. They are the ultimate boogeymen -- sent here from the planet Farsec to torture and maim the people of earth. The whole track implanters. The SPs that by nature of their diploma all want to do terrible … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Bringing Peace to the World And this is to be accomplished by... Fundraising for ideal orgs. Of course. 64X Expansion That's why 3 "ideal" orgs have ONE graduation in the atrium of AOLA (not even in "Leb Hall"?) AND they have to bring along guest speakers (regges) to try and attract anyone. Within Milliseconds Scientology Will Be Available To Billions Huh? Anyone on earth can read this blog... Scientology is available in milliseconds right now. You gave money for that? Oh shit If Portland is the best in the whole … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Wrong Plane This should have been a DC 8 not a DC 3. And that is an awfully slow way to travel, the WW II era DC3 is not renowned for its speed.... Just a month or so ago, Andres was touring around as Snr CS WUS. Wonder if his coverage on the fringes of the internet got him in trouble? The greatest push in the last 2500 years Seems just a bit overhyped... Makes you wonder what the push was back in Mesopotamia in 600BC The event went on for 8 hours... Bet none of these photos were taken when it ended. This is an ideal org? They can list everyone who is … [Read more...]