A new YouTube video is up -- Leah & I expose the lie that scientology says there is no policy preventing a scientologist from reporting crimes to law enforcement. We show the documents and discuss how scientologists are taught to behave when a scientologist commits a crime that could have blowback on the organization. It's all in black and whn I mentioned in the video that I would include the full policies that we read excerpts from. Here they are: List of High Crimes from Intro to Scientology Ethics Joburg Confessional HCO Manual of Justice … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
As I put the podcast announcement on the blog on Thursday, The Funnies took a back seat. Here they are, in all their glory... 6th Anniversary of futility They've brought in 2 NSO professional FSMs to host their Sea Org Org anniversary. Home utterly pathetic. Applied Scholastics Open House Hosted at LA Org. Though this is a completely "secular" activity. Wink wink. Good luck with that This program has already had trainees on it for a year and they haven't even sent their people to START! Class … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
"Ideal" Continent Will be accomplished by getting buildings renovated for Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra. Never mind the fact there is not a single org in Indonesia, the Philippines, China, South East Asia, Oceania or the Indian subcontinent. Planetary Clearing is happening! More ideal-y-ness Community and Economic Development? If they're so good at this, how come their own communities are disappearing before their very eyes? They're down to a handful of scientologists in the major cities of S. Africa and you can count them on one hand in … [Read more...]
Johannesburg “Ideal” Org — Truth Revealed first published 2 April 2013
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This details the reality of an ideal org from an insider at the time. Things have only gone downhill since.... I have written a number of articles concerning the Miscavige “Ideal Orgs” scam. I have compared it to policy and shown it is squirrel. I have pointed out how it has destroyed the LRH Birthday Game and the idea of staff moving up to OT. But this write up puts everything into perspective. Strip away the hype and hoopla, the lies and false pro … [Read more...]
Dave’s Christmas Vacation
Well, no surprise to see the Diminutive One show up in S. Africa for the perfunctory ribbon yanking of a second "ideal" building to add to the empty Joburg org just down the way... Why would the "ecclesiastical leader of the scientology religion" fly 12,000 miles to South Africa two days before Christmas and schedule the "New Year's" event for 16 December, two weeks before New Years? Best answer: because he planned a little vacation for himself in S. Africa. What a great opportunity to make a trip to the furthest reaches of earth, away from the pesky media, courts and whistle-blowers … [Read more...]
What Is The Ideal Org Program?
Any time there is a post about ideal org failures, there is a lot of speculation about "Why?" I have written various posts and comments about this from time to time, but realized I had never put it all in one place. There are two reasons for the ideal org program that go hand in hand. And it explains why, in spite of the clear failure of this program to bring about planetary clearing, or anything at all aligned with the "Aims of Scientology," it will continue to be pushed until the very end. 1. It is vital for Miscavige to hold onto his position 2. IRS … [Read more...]
More GAG II Fail
The below article is currently on the Scientologists back in comm blog. It is a wonderfully documented dismantling of the hype and lies spread about the wonders of GAG II. While it may not be entirely proper netiquette to republish their whole posting here rather than just giving the link, I believe the important thing is to make the information as widely available as possible and I am pretty certain the powers that be in S Africa will agree. "Golden Age Of Tech Part II" is a massive fail that accompanies the "ideal" org fail. They go hand in hand and are promoted as being the two pillars … [Read more...]