Kiddie Corner Unleash your OT Abilities If all it takes is a webinar, why bother paying for anything? Those Canadians are the experts... The Continental Org, Toronto, has been languishing for 20 years undone and they already had a building! Listen to "Paul" But why? Someone started! It used to be they celebrated someone finishing something.... OT 1 is some OT shit... As long as you have no idea what it entails. Otherwise you know it's kind of like ARC Straightwire. Really? What Ideal … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Lots of found parking spaces and caught the green light... There's been a pretty big devaluation of "OT phenomena" AOLA could use some of this... Wonder why these guys who are so good aren't 10X the success of the orgs? Instead of being on course? Oh my.... Unites? This is the big IAS event this year? Wow The First Ideal Continent... Just Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane to go for an ideal "Continent" -- but not a single org in India, China, Indonesia etc. Seems just a little bit of a hollow … [Read more...]
Signs of the Times
In lieu of Thursday Funnies, we have a few things that have flopped over the transom that make for entertaining reading in these strange times. If you were wondering what the Sea Org "management" people are doing (in the Continental Liaison Offices and at the Flag Bureau) this gives a clue. The "managers" in EUS are "delivering" extension courses. With the orgs having little or no income, these management units are really struggling to come up with a few dollars for food. Their income, meager as it is, comes from the orgs. When the orgs make 0, the SO Units make 0. The difference is, in … [Read more...]
Johannesburg “Ideal” Org — Truth Revealed first published 2 April 2013
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This details the reality of an ideal org from an insider at the time. Things have only gone downhill since.... I have written a number of articles concerning the Miscavige “Ideal Orgs” scam. I have compared it to policy and shown it is squirrel. I have pointed out how it has destroyed the LRH Birthday Game and the idea of staff moving up to OT. But this write up puts everything into perspective. Strip away the hype and hoopla, the lies and false pro … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
One of these 3 didn't get the message Arms folded is the only way to go. All of them missed the memo about not smiling. Narconon not flourishing They are disappearing from the face of the earth.... We finally made 2 Clears We have to tell the world with a special promotional item because it's such a rare thing... Like really rare... So we made ANOTHER poster for the same person. The St Lucia Sickle Cell Association hasn't done their homework... Or they are just really hard up for a place to show a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Free Ice Cream Apparently George is George is a whale who supports this mission. He is like the Good Humor Man... Really not looking good... Bobby Wiggins is sadly not much of an advertisement for "OT VII Super Power Completion" This their plaque? They can't even get the first name right? Such a terrible lie And they put it out every year around this time. Seriously? Now that's an offer you can't refuse... Worst photoshop ever Looks like a cardboard cutout pasted onto the … [Read more...]
The Sad Tale of Jobur Ideal Org – Update
Back in 2014 I did a post entitled Lights Out at Jobur Org. It chronicled the demise of this, the FIRST ideal org. In the time-honored tradition of scientology promo piece illiteracy, they had previously announced their 10 year anniversary with a typo in their own name -- thus the use of "Jobur" in subsequent posts at this blog: Now, we are coming up to 16 years of operation of this first, model ideal org. And they have just sent out a new promotional item -- and this one has no typos. But it does contain a couple of startling facts. This is the largest org in Africa. A … [Read more...]
An “Ideal” and “St Hill Size” Org Struts Its Stuff
Presented personally by Mr. David Miscavige with both "Ideal Org'" AND "St Hill Size" status, Joburg org epitomizes the pinnacle of scientology organizations on earth (not counting the artificially inflated Tampa Org that is home to the many Flag rejects and people trying to avoid Flag registrars). And here we see what they are so proud of: 2 Clears in one week and one person “flying through his training” — apparently they didn’t have a single course completion to announce in the same week as the 2 Clears. This is the best. of the best. And compared to other scientology orgs, it is. Mos … [Read more...]
Miscavige Broken Promises
The string of promises concerning "planetary clearing" and ideal orgs is a long one. But perhaps nowhere illustrates the miserable failure of this "planet clearing strategy" than South Africa. The "Kyalami Castle" referred to above is the empty building that was purchased in 2008 to be the home of the "new AO Africa." (Similar buildings were purchased in Canada and Mexico to "open" AO Canada and AO Mexico - they too remain abandoned shells). Eight years later, this building remains unused. Except to hold pep rallies (read fundraisers) every now and then. That this particular empty … [Read more...]
More Jobur Ideal Org News
This is the latest "org mag" from the "Ideal" org in Jobur (the sign above and the invitation below explain the reference to Jobur -- we had some fun with this a few years ago when the storm troopers arrived in South Africa and declared the most prominent scientologists - of course things just rocketed following that stroke of genius). Don't forget, this is one of the ORIGINAL "ideal orgs" - now in operation for 12+ years. Miscavige made grand pronouncements about the future of the continent of Africa based on the brilliance of his ideal org strategy. And Jobur would lead … [Read more...]