Maybe the release of GAG II is going to solve the spelling/typo problems that seem to be endemic within the RCS. The old saying about not even being able to spell your own name right seems to be true, at least in the Ideal, SH Size org that is at the very dawn of a new civilization. Speaking of GAG II, the big announcement has now been made, and just in time to save the planet: GAG II is Friday 15 November through Sunday 17 November (gotta have some quality time to do this one right and hard sell all those meters and materials....) The IAS Event is Friday 29 November and the Patron's Ball … [Read more...]
The Lions Roar in South Africa
You have heard rumblings over the last year of dissent in the ranks of the faithful in South Africa. A number of prominent figures have become fed up with the abuses and constant begging for money. Meanwhile the orgs are clearly going nowhere. We have had reports from correspondents in South Africa about the dismal state of Joburg Org and then the flop that was Pretoria "Ideal Org" and the empty Kyalami Castle "the home of the new AO" and much more. There are plenty of commenters on this and other blogs from South Africa, some of whom are known and some remain pseudonymous to protect their … [Read more...]
Expansion Beyond Anything You Could Ever Imagine…
There are a few of these "briefings" that say nothing at all from the ED's who have returned from Flag. Clearly things are NOT going according to the Master's masterplan. These ED's including those all the way from South Africa, flew to Flag, spent 8 DAYS being briefed (most of which was sitting around doing busy work waiting for Miscavige to free up an hour from reading the internet to pay them any attention) and then when they could not hang around any longer, He sent them home with some brilliant orders to get everyone enthused and "through the Basics." Meanwhile their tech staff … [Read more...]
Joburg North Is Going Ideal — If You Donate, Donate, Donate
While things are hopping in Texas, I am hoping a lot of people are putting together their paragraphs about their local areas pursuant to yesterday's post. I think I have received about 20 responses so far, I am expecting more to come in soon.... But in the interim, here is a fascinating email from the beggars trying to build the sandcastle of Joburg North. What makes this so interesting is that Joburg already HAS an "Ideal, St Hill Size Org" (see the report about it here). Now this is a city with a population less that Houston which doesn't even have ANY org or even a real Mission. But they … [Read more...]
The Sad State of Scientology in South Africa
How many people should two "St Hill" size Ideal Orgs (Jbg D & F), plus another Ideal Org (Pretoria) plus another org on the "launching pad" to become the "next" Ideal Org be able to round up to watch the One Time Only showing of the greatest speech since the Gettysburg address? A few thousand for sure... Right? After all, due to their massive expansion, these guys have their own "Advanced Org" already purchased and CGI'd for the world to see! It must be rocking and rolling in Joburg in this period of the greatest expansion in history. The floorboards must be caving in... Well, if they P … [Read more...]
Johannesburg "Ideal" Org — Truth Revealed
I have written a number of articles concerning the Miscavige “Ideal Orgs” scam. I have compared it to policy and shown it is squirrel. I have pointed out how it has destroyed the LRH Birthday Game and the idea of staff moving up to OT. But this write up puts everything into perspective. Strip away the hype and hoopla, the lies and false promises and this story tells of reality. This is not just ANY “Ideal Org” it is one of the first 3 in the world. And arguably the one Miscavige was most proud of and made the biggest deal about. It was also arguably correct to move the org at that time. The old … [Read more...]