Apologies to Lili and all of her regular readers: My screw up this morning. Today was supposed to be the final episode of Lili's Adventures in Scientologyland. In scientologese, I was "out of PT." Stay tuned tomorrow for the final chapter of her engaged story. Stacy Francis, one of the scientologists who publicly attacked Leah in response to The Aftermath TV show, is promoting that she is going to be creating "very incredible content" but in order to do so, she needs subscribers to her YouTube channel so she can "use YouTube studios" in Hollywood. Wonder why she has to … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
"Ideal" Continent Will be accomplished by getting buildings renovated for Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra. Never mind the fact there is not a single org in Indonesia, the Philippines, China, South East Asia, Oceania or the Indian subcontinent. Planetary Clearing is happening! More ideal-y-ness Community and Economic Development? If they're so good at this, how come their own communities are disappearing before their very eyes? They're down to a handful of scientologists in the major cities of S. Africa and you can count them on one hand in … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Still trying for 10,000 Though I guess they've taken some heat as suddenly they have increased more in the last 12 months than any time before... But what happens if they GET 10,000? The planet will be fully salvaged? Kids Success Stories Always inspiring Wow -- big news An AO can deliver the Purif! What a topsy turvy world scientology is Get enlightened About how you need to give us your money Still no International Events... Everyone else is doing things -- sporting events, concerts etc. Dave still too scared … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Way to Happiness? They try to latch on to anything. One of the WTH precepts is Support a Government Designed For All the People.... Don't read anything in there about protests or blocking traffic? A Mini Folder This is to record the mini-BTs? Looney Lewis Is his first question projecting himself onto his audience? Drugged BTs How getting rid of druggie BTs accomplishes this is anyone's guess. Of course, for those who don't know what's on OT IV it sounds amazing. For those who do, they are in on the joke. They go along as it would hurt … [Read more...]
Scientology, Christianity and the IRS
Reiterating something I have covered before on this Sunday morning. The idea that you can be a scientologist and a Christian is a lie, yet scientologists claim this all the time to try to appear "normal" or "non-threatening." You can see from the official IRS publication above listing the criteria the IRS uses to determine whether an organization qualifies for tax exempt status as a religious organization, that one of them is: Membership not associated with any other church or denomination During the quest to obtain exemption, scientology explained things to the IRS like … [Read more...]
Joy Villa Scientology Fame Whore Gets Her (Next) Man
Joy Villa: Scientology Bridezilla
Aaron Smith-Levin found this FB post from Joy Villa and released it to the world. Jeffrey Augustine then put it on his blog. Both made the point that until the end of the Trump Presidency, Joy was seeking to curry favor with the MAGA crowd by proclaiming herself a Christian, and downplaying any involvement in scientology. Now that wave has passed, and she is apparently refocusing her energies to climbing the scientology social ladder again as a "born-again" true believer in the power of Source rather than Jesus. Her marriage to wealthy scientologist Thorsten von Overgaard ended … [Read more...]
“I’m a Christian and I’m also a Scientologist”
This guy is running for elected office in Minnesota. He appears to be a legitimate, if unreal, candidate for Minnesota's 4th Congressional District. It's been a democratic district continuously since 1946, the current incumbent has been re-elected every 2 years since 2000. He is a Republican. This guy, like the now forgotten Joy Villa, is a Donald Trump superfan and conspiracy theory supporter on everything from fluoride to vaccinations. And like Joy Villa, he is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He wants to appeal to the Christian right who generally vote Republican, … [Read more...]
IAS Money Grubbers
This is a new list of IAS "Field Disseminators" -- which translates into non-Sea Org fundraisers or "registrars" as they are called in scientology. There are some interesting names on here. From the scientologists who own companies that employ other scientologists (like Bridgeforth and Cummins) to the IAS "Freedom Medal Winners" who are then sent out to tour the world to reg for the IAS. Those are circled in red -- and I may have missed a few as the names are no longer all familiar to me. These are the people that are making the highest amount of commission from the IAS. They are … [Read more...]
Scientology Shill Joy Villa Plays the Trump Card
Unabashed self-promoter and scientology pitch-woman Joy Villa has cashed in on political divisiveness to make a killing from unsuspecting Trump supporters. Ms. Villa has previously attempted to attract attention at the Grammy's by wearing various forms of see-through attire. Her virtual nakedness didn't garner a lot of attention other than to get her onto the "worst-dressed" list. But this year, she hit on a brilliant scheme, marketing herself as a walking advertisement for Donald Trump. In a town and industry that has little love for anything Republican, and plenty of … [Read more...]