Surely, the ALL CAPS, asterisks, exclamation points and misspelled word signifies the announcement that the planet has been cleared? At least ideal Southern California? Or even just The Valley? After all, the magnitude of this news is no exageration [sic]... Alas, the 6X big news is that you can win and be awarded by handing us your money. Woohoo. What a thrill. You hand over the cash and we will not only "award" you, we will tell you that your money is worth twice as much, so you can be twice as proud! You get a $20,000 certificate and you only have to give us $10,000. Who could … [Read more...]
IAS Money Grab Going Strong
They say there are two things that are inevitable: death and taxes. I would add a third: IAS demanding money. This is a collection of just a few of the items that have come in during the lockdown. The "Jewish community"? Really? You can bet the "Real, stable data over the environment" didn't come from the Torah... What is really going on? We are trying to get your money. And that's what we are going to do about it. Nothing more, nothing less. The largest virtual "IAS Event" in US history. Wow, that is impressive. We, as a … [Read more...]
Valley Org – Nobody Home?
Somehow the only pronouncements that come out of Valley Org come from these two -- and they are the "OT Committee"... Surely, it is the job of the STAFF to board up the org? Are there actually no staff left? The staff of the org have nothing to do right now. Whey aren't they boarding the place up? Virtually every ideal org that has had staff "ringers" For the ribbon yanking day -- either temporarily sent from other orgs to make it appear they had at least a minimum number complement supervisors, or "wog recruits" who were promised a "livable wage" in the weeks leading up to the … [Read more...]
Valley Voom Voom
Oh woohoo, they're fundraising in the Valley again! This is what the person who sent this to me commented -- it sums things up perfectly: Oh, joy, these two again. Hi everybody, we really could give two fucks that you're unemployed, on the edge of bankruptcy, 62 with no savings, have a family member struggling with cancer, risk your health by working when you aren't sanctioned to do so, haven't made a house payment in the last month, etc. Planetary bullbait, you're a PTS POS if you don't help the IAS with it's many helpful (BS alert) projects. Which we never disclose in any way to the … [Read more...]