Remember I said in the posting Where Did Super Power Come From? that the plans for the "Humongous Rundown" were replaced by subsequent "next big things," one of which was Key to Life? This is another of the Christi Gordon documents: The World Out of Comm evaluation by Hubbard was issued without a "handling." The "handling" was the Key to Life Course. As you can see from this eval, this was again a solution to STAFF incompetence. If you read the data trail of this eval, you will see what a low regard Hubbard had for people in general and scientology staff members in … [Read more...]
The Hubbard Hall Boondoggle Rolls On
The latest puffery selling the idea of constructing a completely superfluous "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" in Clearwater. I have written about this before a number of times, most recently here. But this new magazine promoting their latest adventure, taking another "Journey with Ron," highlights a whole new level of deception. The trip was to Ireland and Scotland: I won't go into a lot of detail about Ireland. Hubbard did visit there and had an office at one point and tried to establish a "Personal Efficiency Foundation." Nothing ever came of it, and it … [Read more...]
Where’s Waldo?
While Miscavige and the scientology organizations pretend they have no idea where Captain Miscavige is when it comes time to face the music in court, they are making a very big deal about him being right there at the Ft Harrison delivering briefings ever Friday night. "Talk about a Flag exclusive!" Dear Leader has been lapping up the adoration at Flag graduation each week, and Flag wants everyone to know. They devoted an entire, large format mailing piece exclusively to make his presence known. The ridiculous statements on the last page are clear evidence of the brainwashed … [Read more...]
Where Did Super Power Come From?
A cache of documents that recently came into possession of Christi Gordon contain some things I had not previously seen outside the Sea Org. ED 1598 FLAG about the "Humongous Rundown" is one of them. The "Humongous Rundown" was Hubbard's 1978 solution to staff incompetence (it preceded his subsequent "breakthroughs" to solve this problem including False Purpose Rundown, Key to Life and Life Orientation Courses) -- by staff incompetence is meant the fact that staff were incapable of following Ron's orders and policies, or if by doing so things wen5 badly or stats did not climb. The … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Has Been to Heaven: He Has the Scientific Research to Prove It
As a follow up to Ron's Saturn quote, Karen De La Carriere sent me this Source reference about heaven. Ron had really hopped on the crazy train the day he wrote this -- it's so out-there that it doesn't even appear in the current Tech Volumes. There is little wonder why -- it makes clear his claims that he "has no beef with Christianity" and thinks Jesus was a man of goodwill and that scientology is non-denominational are just more bs. Here are a few of the choice quotes (not even including the absolutely bizarre date, down to the seconds, when the "implant" occurred). He gets … [Read more...]
Ron on Saturn
"If I were on Saturn, I wouldn't believe such a stupid planet existed, where you had to convince people of a science that gives everyone the priceless gift of freedom. But it exists and you are in it." One of our readers sent this promo item to me, and was curious about where this quote came from. It's a Hubbard doozie -- everyone on this planet is stupid because they don't recognize his "science" which gives the "priceless gift of freedom." Of course, the use of science is one of his favorites to convince people that his "technology" is not simply made up, but scientifically … [Read more...]
Off The Deep End
I watched the excellent 4 part documentary The Deep End about spiritual (cult) leader Teal Swan. I had never heard of her until I saw this doc. This trailer will give you some idea of who she is: The filmmakers, Jon Kasbe and Bits Sola have done a remarkable job of showing the world of Teal Swan. They were given astonishing access to Swan and her followers over three years. What unfolds is a fascinating study of control and domination by a cult leader reminiscent of so many others. Bits Sola was also a producer on The Vow (the mesmerizing HBO doc on Keith … [Read more...]
What is a “Wog” in Scientology?
The term "wog" is commonly used by scientologists. It is derisive. It is scientologese for the non-scientology world or the non-scientologist -- and they are considered ignorant (not having been enlightened by the wisdom of Hubbard), second-class citizens and lower order beings. Scientology views the world in us vs. them terms. Them are the wogs. There is debate about the derivation of the term, but there is no doubt it's an insult. Here is the definition from Merriam Webster and also the Urban Dictionary: This is a golliwog doll... Here is the definition in the … [Read more...]
What Is An OT? Hubbard’s “OT Maxims”
I was recently reminded of this piece of Hubbard nuttiness. By the time the 80's rolled around, the new "tech" from Source became patently ridiculous. "Pain and Sex" and other strange rants would appear sporadically, the one here is one of the kookiest. Though of course the story of OT III is hard to top for wackiness, what with the "spaceships" that looked just like DC-8's, volcanos that didn't exist and thetans somehow "frozen" in glycol, at least there was a sort of running space opera theme and he still had enough sense to not make it public. This "OT Maxims" is pure rambling nonsense … [Read more...]
Hubbard on Doctors — Not a Fan
L. Ron Hubbard had a disdain for doctors. He believed the medical profession was in league with psychiatry and drug companies, and they feared dianetics and scientology because it would take away their income stream. If, as he claimed, the vast majority of illness and disability was psychosomatic, then the vast majority of doctors would not be needed. I have covered some of his crazier statements about what dianetics and NOTs can cure -- from eyesight to cancer and everything in between. But I have not previously covered his disdain for doctors as a profession. There are plenty of … [Read more...]