25 years already? It highlights just how long it has been since Ron causatively departed his body on 24 January 1986 to continue his "OT research" unencumbered by the MEST Universe. It's 36 YEARS ago now, 15 years overdue on his return to active duty in the Sea Org. I think the motto of the Sea Org at this point should be "We Never Come Back" as nobody, including the Commodore ever has. The other thing of note is that Miscavige has been running scientology for longer than Hubbard did -- even if you begin his tenure before scientology existed in May 1950 and … [Read more...]
Captain Miscavige Wowed ‘Em…
Captain Miscavige made a rare public appearance to deliver the LRH Birthday Game celebration at Flag! Hip-hip-hooray. Here is a description of the momentous occasion provided by the FSC EUS Office. My commentary is in red. On Sunday March 13th Flag held live LRH B Day celebration event! It is available at Flag to see it in full, but here is a flavor of it: COB walked on to endless cheering, whistling and a LONG standing ovation that must have been heard for miles around!! He has missed the adoring sheeple who believe he is "doing what Ron wants," the poor deluded … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Hall of Fame? An an "extraordinary" briefing on GAK Extension courses. Nothing about actual graduates. Woohoo! Our files are current. Or they were last week. They're probably backlogged again already. The most sophisticated administrative system in the universe.... Get Virtually Briefed... By a registrar! Haha LRH Birthday Celebrated at graduation? Oh dear. What a downgrade. A Must See Event! Your money will magically disappear.... All Ideal USA Can you imagine how incredible it will be?\ The USA will be … [Read more...]
Episode 78: Dylan Gill and Church of Spiritual Technology
My apologies -- I mistakenly thought Roberta Blevins episode was airing this week. It is in fact our fascinating interview with Dylan Gill. Roberta will air next week, so you have that to look forward to! We talk to Dylan Gill, former executive of Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) about the organization established to preserve Hubbard's words in the event of a nuclear holocaust for all future civilizations, what the symbols etched into the ground mean, the various homes built for Hubbard after his death that are maintained to this day, and much more. Dylan has … [Read more...]
What is the Political Affiliation of Scientologists?
Over the years, many people have asked about the political views and affiliations of scientologists. Every time I ask for questions for a listener Q and A episode of the Fair Game Podcast, this question comes up. Of course, while there can be no blanket generalization about the politics of a group composed of individuals, individualism is not encouraged in scientology. One is expected to toe the party line. So you tend to see a lot of people subscribing to the same views about everything. Thanks to Aaron Smith-Levin taking the time to count voters registered at scientology buildings in … [Read more...]
Neil Sarfati Hits the Big Time
My old friend from the Apollo, Neil Sarfati alerted me yesterday that he had finally "made the big time." He didn't mean he had a new number one album of his sax playing, he was referring to becoming a target of the STAND League haters. It's familiar stuff from STAND buffoon Martin Landon. First, if you have not do so, you should listen to the interview Neil did with the BBC Outlook program. I link to it below. It is very even-handed, mild-mannered and rather gentle on L. Ron Hubbard and life in the Sea Org back in the days of the Apollo. But because Neil is a no longer a cult … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on God
There are often questions about scientology's belief in God. Do they believe or don't they? Scientology goes to some lengths to make it appear "of course we believe in God, it is the 8th Dynamic in scientology." But what that means is pretty vague. Here is what L. Ron Hubbard says about the 8th Dynamic: THE EIGHTH DYNAMIC -- is the urge toward existence as infinity. This is also identified as the Supreme Being. It is carefully observed here that the science of Scientology does not intrude into the dynamic of the Supreme Being. This is called the Eighth Dynamic because the symbol of … [Read more...]
Episode 72: Stefani Hutchison Exposing the Lies
We bring back one of our favorites this week, the wonderful Stefani Hutchison. Stefani was never a scientologist, but has taken up the cudgel of exposing the lies of scientology on her excellent blog: Confront and Shatter In this episode, we cover some of the sleuth work Stefani has done, investigating the claims made by scientology and their front groups. You can find the stories on her blog, and I am also listing them here. It is pretty conclusive evidence that when scientology claims they are "working with the Red Cross" or had a "partnership with..." or "they handed … [Read more...]
Saving the World (Clearing the Planet)
Our old friend Brian Lambert is back with some more food for thought... I used to write more frequently for Mike. Those writings were me working out, in myself, the thoughts and doctrines I had accepted into my mind from L Ron Hubbard that were toxic to my mental, emotional and spiritual health. I’ve not written more recently because my previous writings have purged from my mind the subjects that I wrote about. The very idea of the existence of Scientology is gone from my mind 99.99%. No longer is Hubbard and his mad army of diminishing world savers occupying my mind. But this morning … [Read more...]
NY Org Sprung a Massive Leak
Some pretty devastating information from NY Org has found its way to me. These are stat graphs of NY Day and Fdn for this year. This is the big kahuna model ideal org on the East Coast -- right off Times Square, it is in the ideal location for a Class V org, its one of the oldest orgs on earth, and was the 5th ideal org to ever open, way back in 2004. As Miscavige said numerous times, the "ideal org" strategy was the stepping stone that would make it possible for all orgs to make it to the size of Old St Hill. That is the "make-break" point of a scientology organization … [Read more...]