This week's episode is a continuation from last week with Chris Shelton. We take a deep dive into the the "Truth Rundown" and Rehabilitation Project Force, but of course touch upon other things in doing so. If you want to hear more of Chris' insights, you can tune into his Sensibly Speaking Podcast. There is a wealth of material there. The "Truth Rundown" is one of the most remarkable things Hubbard developed. It is the most direct and unvarnished brainwashing technique in scientology. It is intended for use on Sea Org members, though some others have unfortunately been … [Read more...]
Scientology vs God
When we were talking to Chris Shelton on the Fair Game podcast, we covered some ground concerning the belief in God in Scientology. And recently I saw Jim Meskimen spouting off on the STAAD League and realized it was important to lay out what L. Ron Hubbard said about the subject. Meskimen of course omits all of what is below, but plucks a single Hubbard quote about the fate of societies that do not believe in God to "prove" that scientologists really do believe in God. The quote itself proves nothing. In fact, maybe it was one of Hubbard's cruel jokes on his followers that he … [Read more...]
Let Children Think For Themselves
My wife wrote an article for her Buddha Belly Doula website. It is about the influence of scientology thinking on children -- something I can also relate to. It captures the thinking of scientologists about education and raising children perfectly. If Hubbard said it, it must be true. I thought it very appropriate for readers of this blog. You can read it here: Let Children Think For Themselves … [Read more...]
More on the OEC
This is a follow up to the earlier posting I did concerning the apparent upcoming release of the "new" OEC (The Next Big Thing -- The Miscavige OEC). The OEC volumes have not been sold in scientology orgs or from the Pubs Orgs for more than a decade. Miscavige has declared them to be squirrel. Like the Briefing Course -- and oddly, the Briefing course consists primarily of a few hundred recorded lectures by Hubbard himself. It is quite amazing to see how utterly bamboozled scientologists have been by Miscavige. He has done what most old-time scientologists thought was … [Read more...]
Scientology: Psychological Terrorism
Scientology is the only organization claiming to be a religion that has it's own "intelligence"/dirty tricks branch. It is unique in that the "doctrine" of scientology (ie the written and spoke words of L. Ron Hubbard) contain directives for scientology to engage in intelligence activities, including gathering information, spying, executing operations to intimidate and ultimately destroy people and even framing them. You can read many of Hubbard's "scriptures" in my earlier post here: Dealing with Critics of Scientology: The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook Scientology engages in … [Read more...]
Does The Purification Rundown Work?
I had done an some earlier posts about the Purification Rundown, including one with an article from National Geographic "Purification Rundown Debunked" and a later one that generated a lot of comments entitled The Danger of Niacin. A commenter responded to the first article with some interesting observations and I invited him to expand on the information he provided. I had forgotten all about it and a few days ago up popped Dr. David Schnare and provided this write-up. I am always interested in MORE information about subjects, and I think this is a valuable addition to the … [Read more...]
Episode 24: Author and Icon Kate Bornstein
We are very excited to welcome author, playwright, performance artist, actor and icon Kate Bornstein to the Fair Game Podcast this week. For those unfamiliar with Kate, she is a prominent figure in the Trans Community. I have known her since the early 70's when she went by the name Al Bornstein, in fact Lt. Al Bornstein, in the Sea Org on board the Apollo with L. Ron Hubbard. We talk about Kate's history in scientology, its homophobia and transphobia, how scientology attempts "pray the gay away" with auditing, Kate's disconnection, her books and a lot more. She is an … [Read more...]
Holiday Funnies
A special edition of the Funnies just for the holidays. There is an apparently endless stream of "Holiday" promotion -- though scientology of course does not recognize Jesus as anything but part of the "R6 bank." Virtual Freewinds Wouldn't you like to be at the Freewinds for the holidays? So, to entice you to go there, they are holding a virtual concert in Los Angeles? WTF? Virtual Hawaii And the point of this? Strictly a fundraiser obviously. What does Bodhi Elfman have to do with Christmas? Or Hawaii? Or anything at all? Well, they are going to … [Read more...]
Episode 21: Listener Questions Part 3
Today's episode is Leah and I responding to questions from listeners. We cover a lot of things in more detail than we had time to do on The Aftermath, and in many cases even more details than I can find the time to write about on the blog. A few documents we mentioned would be made available here and at Scientology's COVID response: Tony Ortega has extensively covered scientology's response to the pandemic. Here is the Miscavige's briefing document where he calls COVID 19 a "planetary bullbait." Here are … [Read more...]
The “Glory” of Scientology’s Dead “Enemies”
A couple of days ago, Tony Ortega posted a lengthy "success story" from a woman who had recently completed "Super Power." Of course, it was over-the-top bizarre, but one paragraph stood out: While on the rundown two major SPs (2.5 percent) connected to my dynamics received their bitter end. One died in an unexpected way, and the other got put in a psychiatric hospital by his best friend. This filled me with the glory of justice. I doubt there is a more clear-cut example of the callous disregard for human life into which scientologists are inculcated than this. Many former scientologists, … [Read more...]