This is an email sent around to scientologists recently by one of the bubble zealots. The words of LRH are sacred. I don’t think they even read them before they pass them on half the time. They know they will look smart and get agreement if they quote LRH. So they send out anything and everything. And include the exact source reference -- something from the 50's is valid today simply because it's "important data by LRH." Everything LRH ever said is "important data." Now, the truth of what he says about being bombarded by “heavy particles,” by even a cathode ray tube TV is debatable. I am … [Read more...]
Clearing The Planet
It's a catchphrase in scientology. "We are clearing the planet." "We are making planetary clearing a reality." There are a dozen different variations. It's a time-honored hot button that is used to get people to hand over money and "progress up the Bridge." One of our readers sent this new promo piece to me recently, with some comments that made me think we should address this topic again. In part, this is what the contributor said: When I looked at this promo piece, it reminded me of the jarring, shocking and unpleasant experience of finally, after clawing my way up into the … [Read more...]
Golden Era Brings Back the Running Program….
I have written a few pieces here about the Running Program -- now titled "Cause Resurgence Rundown" in order to sell it to people as an "OT miracle rundown." It literally consists of running around in a circle to the point of exhaustion and then running some more. That is ALL it is. The Running Program What IS "Cause Resurgence?" Running in Circles Again The "Running Program" began as a means to "crack" David Mayo. Hubbard sent down orders that Mayo (who was in trouble based on reports Miscavige had sent about him) was to "run around a tree until he dropped, get up and run … [Read more...]
The “History of Man”
“A History of Man” is one of the more bizarre scribblings of L. Ron Hubbard. This so-called "Antediluvian Technology" (antediluvian is defined as: of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood, so not sure what this "technology" is supposed to be) is not considered "outdated research" or "theoretical. " It is part of what every scientologist must study to even be considered a real scientologist. I was reminded of this when I saw a recent post on Tony Ortega's blog that included this FB post: I made an earlier post about this book, focusing on the reference to the Pil … [Read more...]
You Were Clear Once
OK, so how does this work? You were Clear until the time you decided you should invent a reactive mind for yourself. Apparently something you created because you were bored? Then you forgot you created it. Trilli9ons of years later, L. Ron Hubbard "discovered" this and told everyone that addressing it (with an accompanying payment) with Dianetics would get rid of it. And that this would solve all your ills. And then after you paid for enough auditing to "go Clear" you would come to the realization that you were just "mocking it up" and that it was an illusion all along. So, if the object is … [Read more...]
Ron: The Epic Saga of BS
The smoke and mirrors game that scientology plays concerning L. Ron Hubbard is pretty remarkable. This "monumental hardback collection" is hardly a recounting of a "life like no other." It is a carefully selected collection of anecdotal stories about things L. Ron Hubbard said or claimed about his life. Many of them are unverified, unable to be documented because they didn't happen. Charitably, Hubbard told "tall tales" about his life and exploits. Realistically, he simply lied about himself. The author of these "books" (they were originally "magazines") is Dan Sherman. The "LRH … [Read more...]
What Is Needed?
What is needed? You don't need to tune in to get an answer to this question. It is IAS Anniversary event month and there is no IAS event. They are scrambling... Money, money, money is what is needed. It’s the only thing that is ever needed. “We need to keep our 4th dynamic campaigns going that are helping billions of people every week... blah blah blah” Hubbard laid it out: MAKE MONEY. MAKE MORE MONEY. MAKE OTHER PEOPLE PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MONEY. Scientology is exclusively about money. If an activity does not generate income it dies a very fast death in the scientology bubbl … [Read more...]
We Don’t Come Back
This is the PR line that is presented on the Sea Org. It is their motto “We Come Back.” It goes hand in hand with signing up for a billion years - we will return, over and over, lifetime fire lifetime to fulfill this obligation. Ask any Sea Org member, in fact, any scientologist and they will explain this with absolute certainty. Yet, since the formation of the Sea Org in 1967 -- more than 50 years -- there is not a single case of a Sea Org member returning to duty after their 21 year "leave of absence." L. Ron Hubbard himself is way overdue -- he should have "Come Back" in 2007. N … [Read more...]
STAAD targets Dr. Oz
Frankly, they don't have a whole lot to say about this -- but they simply cannot let any appearance of Leah Remini go unchallenged. But as usual, their flailing brings up something worth commenting on. Scientology invariably lies in their attacks on the media. This time, their complaint is this: Dr. Oz permitted Remini, a known bigot, to spread the blatant lie that the religion does not “believe in” traditional medicine and its members are thereby endangered. And then they include a quote from "STAND National Director" Bari Berger (an OSA PR person): “Dr. Oz had to go out of his wa … [Read more...]
The Benefit of Goodwill According to L. Ron Hubbard
Well, here is some more brilliant advice from the "non-religious" part of scientology, the "World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE)." Touting the words of Hubbard concerning goodwill and how important it is. Obviously, goodwill IS important. It is also something that scientology has none of. How is that possible if they are so in Source? Ron has laid out exactly how to attain this cherished goal. Why are they failing so badly? Maybe scientology should hire some experts from WISE to help them out... … [Read more...]