For some unknown reason, the STAND twitter account recently put up a new tweet accusing The Hollywood Reporter of a "history of forwarding hate. In the 1940s and 50s, the publication was part and parcel of fomenting the anti-Communist campaign in Hollywood..." If you click on the link it goes to a page on the STAND site that is a letter of complaint about an article in the THR from 2017 (they don't seem to have a whole lot of new material): It is so typically scientology -- they don't like something they said, so they launch into an attack over something that happened 70 … [Read more...]
They Cannot Get Over It
Ed Parkin (and his Dear Leader, David Miscavige) continue to be obsessed about A&E. Not content that The Aftermath completed its 3 season run more than a year ago, they are operating on the Hubbard dictum "I never forget, I always even the score" and continue, once a week on average, to write editorials demanding the entire A&E network be exterminated. They literally want to cost every A&E employee their job, also pursuant to the dictates of Hubbard. Everyone who works at A&E is an "enemy" because they are connected to The Aftermath, Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. Why does … [Read more...]
Scientology Healing
Came across this the other day, right from the desk of L. Ron Hubbard. It offers some fascinating insight into how he believed scientology could be sold to cure literally everything, and how to avoid running afoul of the law. The "nod, nod, wink, wink" is thinly disguised and his disdain for government and medical authorities is palpable. It is interesting that this is written in 1962 and, like he had done since 1950, he claimed "we can clear" (until next month or year when he would announce the NEXT "breakthrough" that "now" made clearing possible) and that "of course, Clearing resolves … [Read more...]
Words of Wisdom on Education
Some newly promoted words of wisdom from the master of doublespeak: OK, anyone who has ever been in scientology will read this quote and wonder: "WTF?" This is the EXACT opposite of "education" in scientology. Studying the words of L. Ron Hubbard is viewed as the most important thing anyone can do on this earth. And this is NOT an exaggeration. One would never describe a scientology courseroom as "pleasant," "unhurried" or "casual." Anyone who ran a pleasant courseroom would be designated a dilettante, if not a "squirrel." In fact, this is what Hubbard has to say about … [Read more...]
The Dark Triad
Frequent commenter Mike Westen has written a follow up article on his blog to his earlier Scientology and Status, entitled The Dark Triad. With his permission I am republishing it in its entirety here: This is a follow up to my previous article, Scientology and Status. virtue signalling noun [U] UK (US virtue signaling) /ˈvɜː.tʃuː ˌsɪɡ.nəl.ɪŋ/ An attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them, especially on social media — Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus To take a conspic … [Read more...]
The question is often asked -- how can scientology call itself a religion? It doesnt have most of the things that "normal" religions have -- worship services, a belief in God, relying on actual gifts and not charging for services, a kind, gentle approach, focus on families etc etc And of course, L. Ron Hubbard was extremely derisive about religions (I will do a post focusing on his views one of these days) until he realized it could have great benefit to use the "religion angle." But one of the things that is most incredible about this business that masquerades as a religion for tax … [Read more...]
How to “Go OT”
They actually still promote this as if these words are absolute truth. And it happens repeatedly. If Hubbard said it, no matter when it was or how much transpired subsequently, they still present it as gospel truth. The last ACC lecture was in the early 1960's. So what "OT processes" is this referring to? The ones in Creation of Human Ability? The ones that were subsequently canceled (all "Creative Processing" was cancelled by Hubbard)? Certainly not the ones from the "OT Levels" that all scientologists know today as they had not been invented yet? Don't the people that write this stuff … [Read more...]
Scientology is “Fun”
STAAD puppet Rodger Clark has produced a "sequel" to his earlier effort claiming scientology is "fun." He claims his earlier piece "struck a chord" with readers... Apparently the reader(s) is me. Just me. I had responded to his "Scientology is Freedom, Freedom is Fun," with my take on his assertions "Scientology is a Happy Place." It seems Rodger was not too happy about what I had to say, as he quickly launches into a smear of me. Not much "fun" or "happiness" on display from Rodger, just a whole lot of name-calling. He gets underway with this (after his happy … [Read more...]
The War of the Hubbards
This is a blog post by one of our regular posters, Mike Westen (MWesten), entitled The War of the Hubbards. He asked me if I would like to share it here. I think it's a thought-provoking piece, with English spelling and all. You can see the full article at his blog by clicking on the link above. I have excerpted the part that focuses on scientology (he draws analogies to islam in his longer piece -- I prefer to just focus on scientology here). A question for scientologists: what do you actually stand for? Scientologists are by no means unique when cherry-picking their most favoured … [Read more...]
Koncrete Podcast: Mike Rinder Episode
I recently sat down with Daniel Jones for an episode of his Koncrete Podcast series. It was just uploaded so I am sharing it here. We cover a WIDE range of topics. It's a lengthy chat - over 2 hours. I hope you enjoy it, and find it informative. … [Read more...]