Another article sent to me recently that I am republishing and commenting on here as it explains a lot of what we see going on in the world of scientology. The more knowledge and understanding one has of the phenomena associated with cults and cultish behavior and the toxic traits and personalities you find associated with them, the better chance one has of not being damaged and retaining one’s sanity. This article is oriented towards avoiding hooking up with a High Conflict Person as a partner, but the description of this type of individual is broadly applicable. It originally appeared in P … [Read more...]
How Being in a Cult Can Affect Your Mental Health
Someone sent me this article recently which I had not seen before. It was originally published on and I found it to be generally informative though by nature of it being very broad to cover all cults, I think there are some things in here that are not so applicable to scientology. I have left a few comments in red italics throughout. How being in a cult can affect your mental health Author: Sean JacksonMedical Reviewer: Morgan Blair People who join cults often do so out of a strong desire to belong, matter, and give meaning to their lives. In reality, cults often d … [Read more...]
Dianetics Didn’t Fix Her Eyesight?
Here is another one of the scientology "press releases"-- note where it was picked up. Even more obscure than the last one which was in a small paper in Richmond, Kentucky. No scientology org in Malaysia at all. This concerns one of the people featured on ScientologyTV "Meet a Scientologist" "series" -- a Hungarian hot air balloonist. The release begins by explaining "Dalma Császár overcame a vision impairment to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a professional hot air balloon pilot." Of course, you would think the next line would be how Dianetics cured her. Hubbard e … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard’s Philosophy
"My Philosophy" is one of the Hubbard scribblings they refer to and proudly republish often. It even gets its own constantly recurring video on the scientologyTV! In this piece, Hubbard is very lofty sounding and appears to be thoughtful, compassionate and generous. It's why they use it so much. But nobody should be fooled. It is a compendium of lies. Here are some select passages and my thoughts about them: Surrounded by protective coatings of impenetrable scholarliness, philosophy has been reserved to the privileged few. The first principle of my … [Read more...]
Hubbard’s “Come-On” Sales Technique
"Come-on" is a principle of selling scientology that Hubbard expounded upon that is akin to the doctrine of the "acceptable truth." You can see an example of Hubbard "come on" tech in the above -- even promoted as "come-on questions." The idea is to create a "mystery sandwich." Don't tell the prospect what you are selling, instead entice them with questions that suck them in. Here it is in Hubbard's own cynical words: As always, getting the "prospect" to BUY is the goal. Don't give him any tech (that would help him) because then he won't … [Read more...]
The Creation of Human Ability
We have had some fun with History of Man here, and so too have many others. Let's take a moment to look at another of the Hubbard books that gets less airtime because it is not as overtly batshit crazy as HOM -- the Creation of Human Ability. Published in 1954, COHA (everything is an acronym in scientology) is primarily Hubbard trying to offer the solution to nobody being able to go Clear with Dianetics. It starts with typical Hubbard bluster about the magnificence of his discoveries and how well-read he is and how scientology follows in the tradition of great philosophies, religions … [Read more...]
David Miscavige — NOT L. Ron Hubbard’s Chosen Successor
Tony Ortega (via Alex Barnes-Ross) commented on an article on STAAD/STAND website celebrating the birthday of Miscavige yesterday. In it, the unnamed sycophant writing the piece (probably someone in OSA or RTC) made the following statement: When the Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, was ready to pass the torch to a successor, he needed someone who would (1) be up to the task of leading the fastest-growing religion in the world and (2) have the strength, courage and perspicacity to follow through on ensuring the religious technology is available for future generations. David Miscavige … [Read more...]
Scientology and the “Chaos Merchants”
Hubbard designated the media "Chaos Merchants" who are to be harassed and attacked because they publish "lies" about scientology. Ever since he failed to persuade a Saturday Evening Post reporter to write a glowing piece about him in the early 60's, the media have been enemies. In Ron's Journal 67 he specifically states: "Our enemies on this planet are less than twelve men. They are members of the Bank of England and other higher financial circles. They own and control newspaper chains, and they are, oddly enough, directors in all the mental health groups in the world." Of … [Read more...]
Scientology “Critical Thinking”
A while ago someone noted there was a blog post on the Stand League site claiming scientology is based on critical thinking. As they noted: Pure comedy gold!!! I looked it up and it’s still there. Here is just some of the bs they peddle: “Critical thinking is the process of analyzing information to determine the amount of truth in any statement, assumption, opinion, conclusion, thought or situation. It is the skill at the core of L. Ron Hubbard’s discoveries and the effectiveness, usefulness and success of Scientology.” "Once a Scientologist begins to gain critical thinking skills, they st … [Read more...]
More Lying Hype: Hubbard, Scientology and the Cradle of Humankind
Another hype-filled "press release" from scientology presents a completely false picture of scientology and L. Ron Hubbard. They peg this announcement of a scientologyTV show about Joburg org to "the cradle of civilization" -- making it seem that scientology actually aligns with this concept of evolution. It goes on to explain how the new episode covers Johannesburg's history, "including its singular distinction as "The Cradle of Humankind"—the place where humanity started." It is little wonder they don't mention what scientologists actually believe, described in Hubbard's bizarre h … [Read more...]