This is something I have brought up many times on The Aftermath show, podcasts, YouTube videos and interviews because it is so important to gaining an understanding of the "scientology mind." It is one of Hubbard's most devious devices for keeping the flock in lockstep and always ensuring what is good for scientology is the measuring stick every scientologist uses in making choices in life. This is the fundamental principle from Hubbard: An optimum solution to any problem would be that solution which brought the greatest benefits to the greatest number of dynamics. He … [Read more...]
Hubbard Hype
Scientology continues to foist off blatant lies about L. Ron Hubbard. The "LRH Biographer," Dan Sherman, was never going to produce the authoritative biography of Hubbard because there are so many things that are provable lies about what he claimed about his accomplishments and so many unpleasant aspects of his life, especially his relationships with women, wives and children -- they could never publish anything. And now Dan Sherman has moved off to Target 2 to help Ron do his thing, Miscavige no longer has to pretend that a biography "is being worked on." They … [Read more...]
David Miscavige Commits a Suppressive Act (Again)
No wonder Miscavige doesnt want the OEC Volumes available. People would be able to read what Hubbard said about a lot of things that Miscavige has engaged in. Fundraising instead of selling and delivering auditing and training. Placing great emphasis on the MEST of orgs. Locating orgs where there is no body traffic. Canceling the SHSBC (and the OEC Volumes). But perhaps no policy more explicit and more draconian in its penalties than one titled Org Reduction and Eradication. When announcing the new Paris org, he came right out and said it with no shame: "To start, this new … [Read more...]
All Talk, No Action
Scientology puts out a pretty constant stream of press releases in an effort to appear to be doing good, charitable work in the world. This latest comes from the UK. And it’s as empty as the rest of the propaganda they churn out. Things are a bit bleak in England these days since Apostate Alex began exposing their abuses, so it’s no surprise they are trying to get some “positive press” to counteract the barrage of bad news. Interestingly the UK Charity Commission sees right through their bs and refuses to grant scientology charity status because they do not meet the public benefit test. … [Read more...]
Sociopathy Part 6: The Tools of the Trade
See earlier posts in this series: Sociopathy: What is a Sociopath? Sociopathy Part 2: The Traits of a Sociopath Sociopathy Part 3: The Creation of "Its" Sociopathy Part 4: The Importance of Authority and Obedience Sociopathy Part 5: The Covetous Sociopath Charm — The first thing Dr. Stout addresses in the toolbox of the sociopath is a how charming they can be. This is something she talks about a lot. Sociopaths, when it suits their purpose, can be charismatic. If you read Russell Miller’s excellent biography, Barefaced Messiah, he describes Hubbard in just … [Read more...]
The Insanity Inside the Scientology Bubble Grows
U Another demonstration of how utterly unreal Scientologists are. They are indoctrinated to think they are taking over the world, and they buy it -- yet in reality are having zero impact on anything. But it’s even worse than that. For some reason they insist on announcing their incompetence/ineffectiveness to the world at large. They are proud of the fact, or literally too stupid to understand what they are saying, that there are 54 nations in Africa and 1.2 billion people — but in 74 years they still only have orgs in 2 of those 54 nations and have only reached a few hundred thou … [Read more...]
March 13 Smoke & Mirrors
They held their dead man's birthday party last weekend. Unsurprisingly, it was a hype-fest that seems to be perfectly described by the immortal words of Macbeth: Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. They put a bunch of the "thinking big exponential expansion" news onto their website and sent it out as a press release -- much of which will be complete mumbo-jumbo to the non-scientology public. I wanted to address a few of their c … [Read more...]
Will Miscavige Dare Set Foot in France?
Alex Barnes-Ross revealed the scheduled opening for the delayed Paris Ideal Org as 6 April. The big question is whether Dear Leader Miscavige will be in attendance. My prediction is that he will not. He fears the French government and that they might seize the opportunity to arrest him. Remember what happened to Heber Jentzsch when he went to Spain and ended up in prison? Miscavige did not attend the Moscow ideal org opening either (though scientology tried to pretend he did by starting their story about the opening with a sleazily worded "Mr. Miscavige declared blah blah blah" implying … [Read more...]
The L. Ron Hubbard Birthday Event is Today!
Join the fun this evening for 2.5 hours of AI generated Shermanspeak delivered in the weird cadence and tone of David Miscavige. Hear the incredible (ie beyond belief) exploits and accomplishments of Ron - the greatest man in the history of this universe. Enjoy the full calisthenics work out as the faithful rise and sit back down and rise and sit back down again in a series of forced standing ovations as regular as the tide. Watch as the Birthday Game winners are presented, their lack of anything accomplished papered over with flowery language about being powerhouses and champions and winning … [Read more...]
It’s March 13th – Where’s Ron?
One of the two major holidays in scientology commemorates the birth of L. Ron Hubbard on 13 March 1911 in Tilden Nebraska (the other is the publication date of Dianetics on May 9, 1950). Hubbard occupies a unique place in scientology. He is revered almost like a God. Scientologists consider him infallible -- his every written and spoken word to be taken as truth and applied literally. If Hubbard says there are implant stations on Mars, no scientologist doubts this "fact." When he proclaims that smoking doesn't cause cancer, not smoking enough does -- they known he speaks the truth, as … [Read more...]