"For some years now we have had a word "squireling." It means altering Scientology, offbeat practices. It is a bad thing. Squirreling is today destructive of a workable system. " L. Ron Hubbard HCOPL 14 Feb 65 SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY A reader recently prompted me to look up LRH EDs about the release of OT VIII. I came across LRH ED 301 Ron's Journal 30 from December 1978. While it does not say what he had recalled (there may be something else that does that I have not yet located), I was struck by some things that have often been commented on as sidenotes, but if … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Lying Response to Masterson Conviction
Of course, following the Masterson conviction, scientology put out a statement about how they have been subjected to "prejudice" and "bigotry." Here it is, in all it's holier-than-thou sliminess, and their usual outright lies. The prosecution's introduction of religion into this trial was an unprecedented violation of the First Amendment and affects the due process rights of every American. The Church was not a party to this case and religion did not belong in this proceeding as Supreme Court precedent has maintained for centuries. The District Attorney unconscionably centered his p … [Read more...]
Chat GPT on Psychiatry and Scientology/L. Ron Hubbard
My friend Phil Jones sent this to me. He received a copy of an email from "Psychbuster Extraordinaire" Ken Kramer. Ken thought it would be amusing to have ChatGPT do a takedown of psychiatry. Dear ChatGPT, "Can you write two pages or 800 words about psychiatry in the style of Mark Twain, scathing, humorous, cynical, ironic?" "Certainly! Here’s a scathing, humorous, cynical, and ironic piece about psychiatry in the style of Mark Twain:" Psychiatry: A Madhouse of Foolishness By ChatGPT May 21, 2023 I have had the misfortune of encountering a peculiar breed of i … [Read more...]
The Way to Happiness is Book Commissions
The money grubbing never ends. They've got tens of thousands of WTH booklets sitting in a garage. But they don't have money to mail them out. They quote the words of Hubbard -- but clearly scientology does not believe these words. If they DID believe them, they would spend a tiny percentage of their billions of dollars on mailing/distributing copies of the booklet to everyone in LA. Everyone in California. Everyone in the US... don’t they want a calm, happy world? All they have to is get the WTH booklets out everywhere… But instead, they use this "moral code" as a FUNDRAISING too … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Lecture: He Explains OT III in Detail
In my recent YouTube video about Scientology and Christianity, I read an excerpt from one of Hubbard's lectures from the Class VIII course. You can hear the relevant section of this lecture, accompanied by a slide show (you can select various sources for the slide show -- South Park, Going Clear, Panorama and some others). There can be no doubt what Hubbard is saying when you listen to the entire 10 minute excerpt. I wanted to put this up on my blog so it i … [Read more...]
How Many Taxpayer-Subsidized Mansions, Homes and Offices Does A Dead Man Need?
This might seem like a foolish question -- but not when it come to L. Ron Hubbard. He apparently needs a whole lot of homes and even more offices... It is one of the lesser-known bizarre facts about scientology and the worship of L. Ron Hubbard that subsequent to his death (or in the words of David Miscavige he "discarded the body... he had used to facilitate his existence in this MEST universe," because it "had ceased to be useful and in fact had become an impediment to the work he now must do outside of its confines”), many fully furnished mansions and lavish homes were co … [Read more...]
Captain Miscavige Doing His Thing
We all knew that despite his protestations to the court that he really isn't a Florida man, Captain Miscavige has been hanging out in Clearwater for some time. He did the New Year's Event at Flag and now we have confirmation he also conducted the "March 13th" event in celebration of "Ron's 112 birthday"... Chicago is basically the only thing happening in the scientology world right now, so there are 3 different renditions of what the great man imparted to his faithful flock of mesmerized sheeple. First, from our old friend Dave Parker -- the first ED of the Chicago org back … [Read more...]
“Doctor” L. Ron Hubbard
L. Ron Hubbard referred to himself as a "nuclear physicist" and assumed the title of Doctor when it suited his plans to sell his "wisdom" to people. He authored a book, All About Radiation (no longer published because it was SO provably false) and delivered a series of lectures that he sold to the unsuspecting filled with his crazy theories about radiation -- cashing in on the fear of nuclear war in the 50's. He even claimed he was offered a position as a nuclear physicist by the US Government, but of course he turned it down. As is very well documented, he took a course in atomic … [Read more...]
Psychosomatic Conditions: An Analysis of Hubbard’s Claims
This article was sent to me by one of our readers, David Chirko. It is an academic analysis and thus rather dense and uses plenty of big words. It deserves to be recorded, it is thorough and cites to many sources, which in itself is an invaluable resource. Psychosomatic Conditions and the Church of Scientology By David Chirko, A.B. chirkoart.ca Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Psychological Researcher/Author Professional Affiliate Member, Division 49, American Psychological Association “Psychosomatic adj. 1. of or relating to the role of the mind…in diseases or dis … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Scheme to Use Rape Victims for “Positive Press”
More scientology sickness hiding in plain sight. This is one of Hubbard's most important edicts on dealing with the media. It lays out scientology's policy on how to "control the press." It is the first policy in the "hat pack" of every scientology PR person. This is not "historical" or "we cancelled that" (like they claim about the Fair Game policy). They proudly stand behind this and even more proudly follow exactly what it says in their day to day actions. If you want to read the whole thing, you can do so here: Scientology Five Press Policies I … [Read more...]