4 years ago, David Miscavige turned LA Org into the "model" ideal org by importing 200 Sea Org Members and turning it into a "Sea Org" org (specifically not the model for orgs around the world...) This is supposed to be the shining example of what a Class V organization could be (if manned with 200 SO members)... They have just sent out an announcement celebrating 4 years of model idealiness. The idealiest org of all has 200 staff working a Sea Org schedule, 9am - 11pm 7 days a week and produces 665 "Clears and NED Case Completions" in 4 years.. Let's just call this 600 Clears … [Read more...]
Not Making Planetary Clearing A Reality
OK - let’s take a moment and take the planetary Clearing challenge once again. LRH proclaims it's possible, so it must be true right? Don't these amazing "no numbers" graphs prove it? They show them at every event and the sheeple seem to lap them up. Let's ask the experts: How DO you get 327 million Americans to cross the Bridge? How DO you Clear the planet? (not just "make Planetary Clearing a reality") Well, according to scientology postulated math, all you need do is make every org ideal. So, let’s look at the BEST ideal org. The “model” that was touted repeatedly by True Lea … [Read more...]
Old Scientology Allies — the LAPD
Here they go again. The LAPD has a long history of cozying up to scientology. Wonder why they didn't say this was IN THE PARKING LOT OF LA ORG? They just list it at the bottom as one of the sponsors. But you have to love the copyright notice "protecting" the Dianetics symbol and "scientology cross" that do not even appear on the piece... … [Read more...]
LA Model Ideal Double St Hill Size Sea Org Command Team FAIL
One year of production. It tells you how insulated these people are from the real world. They put out these stats as if they are so monumentally, epically milestoney that they deserve their own poster. Remember 200 SO Org members were imported into this org to take it over. It is promoted throughout the scientology bubble as the "model" that everyone is striving for. The org that was awarded, by Dear Leader himself, the special status of "Double St Hill Size." This is the org that Andres Rodriguez toured around promoting -- "700 new people starting on service each week." That … [Read more...]
Unlimited Expansion And Prosperity
This email went out one minute before the scheduled start of this "seminar." They dun cansulled it. Maybe not so much unlimited expansion and prosperity for the seminar leaders. One of two things happened: 1. Nobody showed up. 2. Message from on-high that having NSO's doing seminars in the all-SO pride of the Miscavige fleet, LA Org is a no-no. Given the timing of the email, I would guess the former. But it could well be the latter. Sooner or later Dear Leader is going to blow a gasket about the fucking DB NSO's doing seminars and then someone is going to have to … [Read more...]
LA Org Is Not Clearing LA
More on the latest grand fail. Pathetic stats that these people think are impressive -- and by comparison to other orgs, I am sure they are. But 34 Clears in 4 or 5 months (split the difference and call it 18 weeks) is less than 2 per week. Just for ballpark let's say LA is 10 million people. Clearing this area is going to take a LOOONG time, even if nobody else is born or moves in. 5 million weeks is about 100,000 YEARS. And this is the model, ideal, fully manned with experienced SO members LA Org. The pattern that is now being exported around the world.... I guess these people … [Read more...]
Despite Everything, LA Org Is Empty
Despite 200 fully hatted and trained Sea Org Members with 10,346.7 years of experience. Despite "ideal" premises. And the best of the best seasoned bodyrouters. The Model Test Center on Hollywood Blvd. A crack team used to train executives from all over the world on "how it is done." The bestowing of the title: Model Ideal St Hill Size Org by Dear Leader himself. The largest concentration of scientologists on earth. Massive advertising on network TV. Huge spending on internet ads. The power of positive postulates injected into the environment by Gavin Potter and o … [Read more...]
The New Sea Org “Model” Class V Org
The new LA Org Mag is being sent out. A special correspondent scanned and sent it to me. Portions of it appear below. It is the hype mag for the new universe of scientology at LA Org -- the org that "sets the standards for making planetary clearing a reality." Even though they haven't made a single clear. Along with some other fine features, it provides a listing of the key execs and their experience. Then it continues with many pages of apparently endless superlatives about the incredible services they are offering, as if they never offered them before when they were … [Read more...]
Ideal Orgs — Some Inconvenient Truths
A Special Correspondent in Australia sent me this latest promo piece on Ideal Orgs. It contains some startling information that may not be evident at a quick glance. But once again, they have hoisted themselves on their own petard. Apart from the obvious conceit that they are EVER going to get "ideal orgs" in Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane (first step is to get an ORG in those places, they have had part time missions for decades now and no sign of that changing....) what this reveals about the overall strategy in a simple graphic is pretty stunning. The "ideal org" strategy began in … [Read more...]
The Model SH Size Ideal Org Fail
This is a recent report from Los Angeles Model Ideal Org. A current staff member was asked about their pay. "It varies based on GI. Sometimes the check is so low we don't bother to go pick it up and thus donate it back to the org. Our Chief Registrar, John Barber, recently regged a pc for his entire LRH library and we were all were ecstatic because we would get paid." Every staff member in the entire org, every post, is being taught Big League Sales Closing Techniques from the Les Dane book and how to reg money out of people. Now, this is not just an "Ideal Org." This is the MOD … [Read more...]