This week, Leah and I have a conversation with Mark Bunker on the Fair Game podcast. Download at midnight tonight. I will add a link to the show here when it becomes available. We talk to Mark about his history with scientology, him becoming the newest Clearwater City Council member and what the future of the City of Clearwater holds. We cover the land grab by scientology so ably reported by Tracey McManus in the Tampa Bay Times "How Scientology doubled its downtown Clearwater footprint in 3 years" : Tracey updated her story a few days ago "Vacancies in Scientology-tied … [Read more...]
Episode 11: “The Vow’s” Mark Vicente
We have an amazing episode of Fair Game podcast this week, speaking to Mark Vicente. If you have not been watching The Vow on HBO I highly recommend it. It is the story of Keith Raniere and the NXIVM cult, told from the perspective of a number of former senior people in Raniere's organization, including Mark. We had a terrific conversation with him about the similarities between NXIVM and scientology -- and there are MANY. We also talked about patterns of high control organizations and the larger picture. I will post the link to the episode here when it becomes available. … [Read more...]
Scientology Fair Game Podcast Questions
Leah had a wonderful idea. We are going to do an episode of the Fair Game Podcast where we respond to listeners questions. There have already been a number of them here, on the website and social media, but if you have a question you would like us to answer, please include it in the comments. We will try to get to as many of them as we can. … [Read more...]
Scientology Spokesman Trashes David Miscavige
Over the past 2 years, there is only one recognized person who speaks on behalf of scientology: Marty Rathbun. The two other recognizable "spokespeople" are never heard from -- Ed Parkin sends out a stream of tweets and Karin Pouw's name is affixed to the routine letters sent to the media written by others. They are never actually seen speaking. These 3 are the troika of scientology spokespeople today. Monique Yingling seems to have gone into retirement. Tommy Davis blew. Heber Jentzsch is disappeared. Even Bob Adams and Linda Simmons-Hight have vanished. And the other people who speak in … [Read more...]
They Cannot Get Over It
Ed Parkin (and his Dear Leader, David Miscavige) continue to be obsessed about A&E. Not content that The Aftermath completed its 3 season run more than a year ago, they are operating on the Hubbard dictum "I never forget, I always even the score" and continue, once a week on average, to write editorials demanding the entire A&E network be exterminated. They literally want to cost every A&E employee their job, also pursuant to the dictates of Hubbard. Everyone who works at A&E is an "enemy" because they are connected to The Aftermath, Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. Why does … [Read more...]
The Aftermath Emmy Win
I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone concerned for the wonderful finale episode of The Aftermath which was recognized with our second Emmy last night. We were nominated 4 times and won twice, which is a pretty remarkable record. It takes a LARGE number of people to make any TV show, it took an especially large number of people to make a complex, live audience show like that one with a subject matter that was very difficult, and particularly in light of the fact that Danny Masterson had not been charged at the time. Let me start at the top. A&E were an amazing family to be part … [Read more...]
Episode 8: Fair Gaming Scientology President’s ex-Wife
This week Leah and I interview Karen De la Carriere, the former wife of scientology's disappeared President, Heber Jentzsch. Karen was the highest level scientology "technical person" -- a Class XII Case Supervisor. There have been less than 50 Class XII C/Ses in the history of scientology. Perhaps no more than 10 who trained directly under L. Ron Hubbard like Karen. Karen and Heber had a child together, Alexander, who was born into the Sea Org. He was raised with my children. Karen is one of the most harrowing stories of ongoing Fair Game. Of … [Read more...]
Episode 7: Emmy and Oscar Winner Alex Gibney
This week's episode of Fair Game podcast features my old friend Alex Gibney. This is not an episode to miss. Alex is one of the greats in the world of documentary filmmakers. His credits include: The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley about Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God (won 3 Emmy’s) Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (Oscar nom in 2005 for Best Doc) Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer Taxi to the Dark Side (winner of the 2007 Oscar for best Documentary) about the war in Ir … [Read more...]
An Interview with Leah Remini
If you didnt see this on my social media yesterday, I recommend you read this piece in about The Aftermath. It is pegged to the Emmy nomination for the finale that aired last year (the result will be announced on Monday 14 Sept). Leah talks about the Danny Masterson case and why we didn't air the initial episode we shot. She also discusses the Me Too movement and scientology, the STAND League, scientology tax exempt status and much more. Give it a read. … [Read more...]
Episode 5: The History of Fair Game
In this week's episode, Leah and I discuss the history of Fair Game and the ongoing Fair Game efforts against us. As always, I include a link here to my "summary of Fair Game" entitled: Dealing with Critics of Scientology - The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook. If you have not read this before and have an interest in this subject, I recommend starting with this. Honestly, this is one of the most important episodes of this podcast. It is not disclosing "new' information, but even seasoned scientology watchers and former scientologists will learn things they likely did not know. Few have … [Read more...]