STAAD puppet Rodger Clark has produced a "sequel" to his earlier effort claiming scientology is "fun." He claims his earlier piece "struck a chord" with readers... Apparently the reader(s) is me. Just me. I had responded to his "Scientology is Freedom, Freedom is Fun," with my take on his assertions "Scientology is a Happy Place." It seems Rodger was not too happy about what I had to say, as he quickly launches into a smear of me. Not much "fun" or "happiness" on display from Rodger, just a whole lot of name-calling. He gets underway with this (after his happy … [Read more...]
Episode 4: Scientology’s War on a Holocaust Survivor (with Paulette Cooper)
The newest episode of the Scientology Fair Game podcast features one of my favorite scientology survivors, Paulette Cooper. Her life story is amazing, and if you have not read Tony Ortega's excellent The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, I recommend you do so. The story of what scientology did to try to destroy her is unbelievable. Literally. And unless the FBI had recovered documents in the raid on scientology in 1977, what scientology had done to her was not believed by anyone -- it was so far-fetched it seemed it could only have been lifted from the pages of a cheap spy novel. Paulette … [Read more...]
Episode 3: Scientology’s War on the Media with Richard Behar
We were very fortunate to speak with Richard Behar on this week's episode of the Fair Game podcast. Rich, along with Pauletter Cooper (who will feature in an upcoming episode) is a poster child for scientology Fair Game against journalists. He is an award-winning investigative journalist who first wrote about scientology in 1986 for Forbes magazine in an article entitled The Prophet and Profits of Scientology. His most famous scientology piece was the 1991 Time magazine cover story, The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power. The subhead on his article pretty much sums up … [Read more...]
Heber Jentzsch’s Niece Welfare Check on Her Uncle
The new episode of Scientology: Fair Game Podcast is now available here. We interview one of Heber Jentzsch's nieces, Tammy Clark. Tammy reached out to me and Leah as she was concerned about Heber. Many members of the rather large family had not heard from him and she was so concerned she thought it necessary to fly from Utah to try to see him as a representative of the family. But she was fearful of scientology and asked that we help her. Leah and I were more than happy to provide her support and a camera crew from The Aftermath accompanied us. Unfortunately, this is one of the shows … [Read more...]
Fair Game Podcast Video
We put together this short video to promote the podcast. Hope you enjoy it. Share it as widely as possible. … [Read more...]
STAND is Woke
OK, so a little more from our friends at the STAND League. The "Reverend" Ed Parkin has some vetted and cleared "volunteers" who write things for him and they put them on their STAND League blog. It is pretty much inevitable that every item somehow worms its way to rail against Leah Remini (and often me). No matter what piece of news or view they are expressing, somehow all roads lead to Remini and Rinder. This is one of their latest pieces. And I comment on a few notably ironies within it. It doesn't matter who Liv Watson is. All OSA flunkies are the same. They might sometimes write … [Read more...]
Let the Scientology Fair Game Begin
I mentioned in my post on Sunday that I would let Leah respond to the latest bs about her from Ed Parkin. He should know by now not to poke the bear. Here is what Leah has to say. As only Leah can say it. Scientology uses a practice called Fair Game, these are directives and activities that seek to discredit and destroy anyone and anything Scientology considers a threat to their vile, illegal, and criminal practices. The practice of Fair Game by Scientology, its employees and parishioners is nothing new. It has gone on for decades. Here are some of the “Operations” carried ou … [Read more...]
Scientology and The Aftermath Emmy Nomination
The Emmy nominations were announced this morning. This came as a pleasant, but total surprise. Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath has been nominated each year it aired -- 4 times in all as the 3 seasons spanned 4 years of eligibility. That is a pretty remarkable record, and we thank and congratulate IPC, A&E and our crew for their dedication, courage and professionalism. And to the Television Academy for their support. But most of all we recognize the brave contributors who bared their souls and stories in the face of scientology's reputation for conducting Fair Game … [Read more...]
Scientology Deaths and Suicides
People are asking for our thoughts regarding recent tragic events. We can only offer facts about scientology teachings and our opinions on them -- we don’t have firsthand information concerning the details of Kelly Preston or Benjamin Keough’s deaths, though, when it comes to scientology and scientologists, there are other factors that come into play - factors that are contained in the “scripture” of scientology that give a particularly dark tint to these terribly sad events. The heartbreakingly unfortunate truth is people commit suicide every single day, and people die of breast cancer ever … [Read more...]
Let the Fair Gaming Begin (Again)
It's hardly a surprise that after being conspicuously absent (other than showing up as a note-taker in court), Fast Eddie Parkin has raised his particularly ugly head again. After all, Leah Remini and I began a new podcast on the subject of Scientology Fair Game -- and the only real purpose of the STAND League and Ed Parkin is to be a propaganda outlet for scientology hate and lies. They have still not realized that the very thing they think is effectively countering the exposure of their abuses, continues to provide evidence that they do exactly what we say they do. Eddie (with 61.9K … [Read more...]