Episode 0 (Introduction) is now available to download on iHeart and everywhere else podcasts are available. You can even google it directly. Unfortunately, the website that was going to accompany the podcast has been hacked and sabotaged. Should be fixed in the next few hours and as soon as it is live I will update with the link here. Update: Site is now live. It is simply a resource for documents and will be updated as each podcast goes live on Tuesdays. Meanwhile, for those who are looking for the documents that are talked about in this episode, I have included them … [Read more...]
First Podcast Episode Available at Midnight EDT Tonight
The first episode of the new Scientology: Fair Game podcast will be available at midnight EDT tonight. (When iHeart says July 21st, they mean one minute past midnight, something I learned yesterday!) It can be listened to on ANY podcast App. Of course, if you don't already listen to podcasts, we would like you to download the iHeart App as they are the ones who are producing the podcast. But it can be listened to on iTunes, Spotify, Google, etc. etc. Anywhere you currently listen to podcasts will have Scientology: Fair Game, though the producers at iHeart told me it might take an hour or … [Read more...]
Leah Remini and Mike Rinder Podcast
It is finally happening. The new Scientology: Fair Game podcast launches next Tuesday, 21 July, on iHeart. Here is the story from Entertainment Weekly. … [Read more...]
David vs. Goliath
This is a wonderful profile on Professor Marci Hamilton, a real champion of human rights. Marci appeared on The Aftermath and helped us a great deal. Through this we came to find out about her amazing organization, Child USA. Both Leah and I are Ambassadors for Child USA and I accepted Marci's invitation to join the board. The work being done is helping victims across the United States. If you don't know about it, read the article, check out the website, follow on social media and participate in any way you can to supporting Child USA. It is making a difference for victims of ab … [Read more...]
Danny Masterson Charged With 3 Rapes
Anyone who comes to this blog is going to be interested in this development. It is now all over the media. There is a lot of coverage, including AP above, which guarantees that this will be picked up far and wide. I am including a link here to the excellent summary on Tony Ortega's blog. He has had the most comprehensive and clear reporting on this matter from the get-go. I can tell you, the victims are extremely happy. As are Leah and I. They will finally have an opportunity to have their day in court. Jackie Lacey has been excruciatingly slow, but in the end, has done the … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie Update
Just as I like to check in on my "daughter's" site, I also like to check in on Fast Eddie Parkin every now and then and his crazy Twitter feed. Leader of the STAND League, Ed Parkin is an OSA flunkie last seen in public sitting in the gallery of one of the hearings on Val Haney's legal case taking notes to report back to the higher ups. Let's just start with an amazing piece of hypocrisy. Parkin is known for jumping on the bandwagon decrying violence against Jews. But at the same time he supports hate-filled anti-semitic rants from his bedfellows at the Nation of Islam. And then … [Read more...]
How About a Podcast?
We have so many people ask us when we are coming back to continue our work, but, circumstances have made some things impossible right now. So, we were thinking of things we could do and wondered if a Podcast might be something worth looking into. We could record episodes without a team of people to operate lights and cameras etc. What do you think of the idea? If you think it might be worth exploring, we would love to hear what you would be interested in hearing about. And even ideas for a good name for it. Are there specific things you felt we didn't cover in The Aftermath series … [Read more...]
What Happened to Ryan Prescott?
Frankly, the closed orgs have dried up a lot of the material for Thursday Funnies -- endless streams of "Get your Pandemic workbook here" and "We command you to do an Extension Course" are just not very funny. We may not see much in the way of Thursday Funnies for a little while... So, I thought some clowncar material from another corner of the scientology bubble might be entertaining. This is Ryan Prescott's Facebook live post from a week or so ago. I had only ever seen his comical Tweets and some bits from his Loony-Tunes books. I had never had the misfortune of seeing him in … [Read more...]
Even More on Ventura
Someone sent me a link to this Facebook group I grew up in Ventura California and a posting there about scientology coming to town. This group has 22,000 members. It was a pretty innocuous thing about the brightness of the sign on the building. As of now it has over 450 comments. Though I have not carefully read every comment, I can say with a high degree of certainty that there are virtually no positive comments about scientology. And yet, their PR line is that the demand for scientology is so great, and they are expanding so rapidly, that to meet the demand, they have … [Read more...]
Scientologists “Shattering” Suppression
This is a recent Facebook post from one of the deluded scientologists who believe they are "changing the world." She actually believes the magazines disappeared from the shelves permanently? And even if they did, that she makes any difference to the impact of this story? Here is what she was so upset about, last week's Us Weekly (they are dated for the day they "expire" so readers don't think they are getting "old" fake news) cover story.... Typical of tabloid mags, the story actually doesn't have anything to do with the headlines. It reports on the … [Read more...]