In June we shot our series finale of The Aftermath, which will air in the next couple of weeks. A&E will announce the date soon. It will be our last show on A&E. When we began this journey, we did not anticipate more than a single season. But the response was so overwhelming and we felt strongly that the people who stepped forward deserved to be heard. We were not previously aware of some of the abuses that came to light, and we felt they compelled further episodes. And of course, Scientology’s response to the series played a role too. Scientology is a formidable opponent with … [Read more...]
Newsflash: JLo & Kathy Griffin Conspiring to Destroy Scientology for Money
The crazy keeps getting crazier. The unhinged Minions of Miscavige spew increasingly insane rantings as the walls close in on their bubble of belief. Anyone suffering under the illusion that "author" of this latest conspiracy theory, Ryan Prescott, is some wayward "lone-wolf" scientologist acting on his own, please know this is NOT the case. Nobody, especially not a scientology org staff member, takes OSA Matters into their own hands. They ONLY act in concert with and as fronts for OSA or they are shut down instantly. He might as well announce himself officially as a member of the STAAD … [Read more...]
Scientology Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
Scientology is shameless. And here is the latest proof. A new article in "Freedom" magazine they are pushing on Twitter. More evidence they do EXACTLY what they accuse others of doing, without the slightest embarrassment. This is sociopathic behavior. Freedom attacks the President of A&E Studios because scientology has been unable to arrange a meeting with him. "the Church’s attempts to seek a meeting with A&E since March of that year, met with not so much as an answer nor was there a means of having “a meaningful conversation..."" Funny -- we have TRIED for 3 years to get … [Read more...]
Scientology Inciting Murder? STAAD League Suddenly Silent
The hypocrisy of the OSA Front group STAAD is astonishing. Remember when Fast Eddie Parkin and the STAAD League made an enormous deal out of the false story that someone who committed a murder at their Advanced Org in Sydney was "incited" to do so because he had read a website that had a link to an Aftermath show. He claimed repeatedly that Leah Remini and Mike Rinder had "incited a murder" along with "hundreds of other incidents and threats." This of course was a completely manufactured accusation. The alleged murdered has NOT claimed ANY motivation for committing the crime, let alone … [Read more...]
The Aftermath Foundation
Many of you may have seen Aaron Smith-Levin's video posted on Tony Ortega's blog yesterday. If you missed it, here it is again: In response to the video a large number of people contacted The Foundation offering their assistance and making donations. The response was heart-warming and greatly appreciated. Scientology can try to prevent The Foundation from helping people leave scientology -- but they will never succeed. The members of the board of the foundation are not cowed by scientology in the least. We are aware of their dirty tricks. We anticipated there would be people sent in … [Read more...]
More on Scientology Fair Game: Black Propaganda
I have written a number of articles concerning the scientology’s Fair Game doctrine and practice. L. Ron Hubbard proclaimed those designated as "enemies" of scientology should be destroyed. It is a literal admonition to lie, trick, frame, smear, harass anyone scientology does not like. In scientology, the words of L. Ron Hubbard are the words of God -- they are to be taken literally and it is deemed a "crime" in scientology to alter, deviate from or seek to interpret his words. They are not seen as parables, allegories or things to be interpreted, they are to be followed to the letter, w … [Read more...]
The Aftermath — An Update
This is an attempt to quell some of the rumors and erroneous speculation swirling about The Aftermath. Though I am not in a position to know everything about decisions that are made outside my control (or Leah’s), I do have some insight – more than most who may claim to have “heard rumors,” rely on anonymous sources or merely speculate because they have a keyboard on which they can type. First, and most important for me, I want to dispel the lies that have been circulated (most likely by scientology) that episodes or the show as a whole are in peril because of Leah Remini’s dema … [Read more...]
“Freedom” Rag “Responds” to 60 Minutes
In its inimitable and oh so predictable style, Freedom has responded to the 60 Minutes Australia piece. In a surprise to absolutely nobody, they lashed out at their dirty laundry being exposed once again not by responding to the facts, but attempting to smear the reporter, complete with the most unflattering photo they could find/doctor. Their entire "defense" is to rehash a story from 2016 concerning correspondent Tara Brown and her film crew. They were arrested in Lebanon on charges of "attempted kidnapping" for their coverage of a story of a woman trying to get her 2 … [Read more...]
Clearwater Officials: “Nothing To See Here”
The article above appeared in the Tampa Bay Times after the "airing" of The Aftermath this week, an episode focused on scientology's take-over of Clearwater. I said "airing" because for subscribers to the local cable outlet, Spectrum, the show was unwatchable. The sound was scrambled and some images pixillated. The problems magically fixed themselves 2 minutes after the show aired. And the problem ONLY manifested itself on The Aftermath episode, no other channels. Subsequently, all the "On Demand" Aftermath episodes also disappeared from Spectrum. Of course, there is nothing suspicious … [Read more...]
What Can You Do to Help End Scientology Abuses?
The most common question we are asked is "What can I do to help?" First, understand that your support of our show and on social media is tremendously valuable. Both to us and to let the contributors to our show know there are people out there that support the cause. Second, if you want to offer help in terms of professional counselling or you have job opportunities or a place for someone to stay, please contact The Aftermath Foundation which is established to be a clearing house to connect those who are trying to leave scientology or have recently done so to a network of people who have … [Read more...]