We welcome back our old friend Marc Headley to talk about Scientology and the internet, including covering the bonkers domain names scientology has registered, and how they have unsuccessfully attempted to control access to information on the World Wide Web. Marc's wonderful book: Blown For Good The Audiobook version The Scientology Money Project blog article listing many of the scientology owned domains: A YouTube video listing some of the troll domains registered by scientology: The Jokers & Degraders PL/HCOB: … [Read more...]
Episode 74: Julian Wain on WISE
We speak to our old friend and Leah family member Julian Wain about his experiences with WISE (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises) companies and how they implement high pressure sales techniques into dental and chiropractic offices, and are recruitment agencies for scientology. I did an earlier post about these WISE Guys This is the entry on WISE in Wikipedia Here is the definition of "Hard Sell" contained in the official scientology dictionary -- this is the sanitized version. The meaning in scientology fundraising circles is "do w … [Read more...]
Episode 73: Operation Clambake Founder Andreas Heldal-Lund
This week we have a treat -- we talk with the creator of Operation Clambake, and one of the earliest non-scientologists to go head-to-head with scientology in the fledgling days of the internet. We cover how he got involved and why and some of the key things that have happened along the way. If you listened to our recent episode with Tory Christman you will know Andreas played a significant role in Tory escaping scientology. He was also instrumental in the Jason Beghe video that went viral on the internet. Jason Beghe's video on Mark Bunker's site. Operation … [Read more...]
Episode 72: Stefani Hutchison Exposing the Lies
We bring back one of our favorites this week, the wonderful Stefani Hutchison. Stefani was never a scientologist, but has taken up the cudgel of exposing the lies of scientology on her excellent blog: Confront and Shatter In this episode, we cover some of the sleuth work Stefani has done, investigating the claims made by scientology and their front groups. You can find the stories on her blog, and I am also listing them here. It is pretty conclusive evidence that when scientology claims they are "working with the Red Cross" or had a "partnership with..." or "they handed … [Read more...]
Episode 71: Listener Questions #10
We start 2022 with one of our favorites -- a Listener Question episode. As always, we cover a wide scope of topics, from Fair Game campaign tactics to preserving Hubbard's "legacy" on stainless steel plates in titanium capsules in nuclear-bomb-proof vaults and the embarrassing "We Stand Tall" song... It's a lot of fun and hopefully includes new information for our listeners. Here are some of the things we mentioned: The activities of Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) to preserve the tech. Scientology is so proud of this, and treat it with such earnestness they have a fully … [Read more...]
No New Podcast This Week
There is no new podcast today, we and the production team are taking the holidays off. We will be back in the New Year, starting with another episode of our favorite: Listener Questions. If you are missing your Tuesday podcast fix, re-listen to one of the early ones or any you may have missed. You can access all 70 epoisodes at iHeart, at the Fair Game Podcast website or right here by clicking on the Fair Game icon on the Home Page. … [Read more...]
Episode 70: Claire Headley Knowledge Reports
We continue our discussion from last week about Committees of Evidence with Claire Headley, now covering the snitch culture of scientology and the subject of Knowledge Reports. It is one of the most important control mechanisms within the scientology world. As we normally do, I have included documents that give the whole story of things we mention. Scientology Org Board outline, the full "7 Division Org Board": The "Hubbard Communications Office" Div 1 org board. Department 3 "Inspection and Reports" is where the Ethics Officer is located The Anderson … [Read more...]
Episode 69: Claire Headley on Committees of Evidence
We talk to our old friend and Aftermath OG Claire Headley again this week, this time to discuss Committees of Evidence. What are they exactly, our personal experiences convening, participating and being victims of them, and how they differ from arbitration. We have quite a lot of documents to go along with this episode -- a great repository of information for future reference. The Headley Aftermath episode Season 1 Ep 5 (if you haven't seen this one. we have some fun with the PI's who followed us to Denver): Marc's wonderfully entertaining … [Read more...]
Episode 68: Chris Shelton on Cult Apologists
This week we talk to our old friend Chris Shelton about cult apologists. These are the people who make a career (often lucrative) out of offering expert academic opinions in support of "New Religious Movements" -- cults. It's a racket that scientology has used to gain credibility. We cover a lot of ground here. Chris has recently published a series of articles on this topic on Tony Ortega's blog -- they are well-worth reading. You can listen to the episode here. Chris also has a podcast that is worth subscribing to on YouTube: Sensibly Speaking Podcast We mention … [Read more...]
Fair Game Podcast
There is no new podcast this week as we take a break for Thanksgiving, but there will be one next week and it's going to be a goodie. Take the opportunity to go back and listen to any that you may have missed. I am also interested in hearing: What your favorite episode(s) have been and why Who you would like us to invite on Any topics you would like us to focus on If you have questions for future listener question episodes. … [Read more...]