Even the people that put the promo together apparently are unaware of the fact that the movement of the Amazing Warehouse 8 was installed in the Quantum cases at the FSO for nearly a decade before the Warehouse 8 was finally released generally. So, those audited at the FSO through most of the 2000's were in fact audited on a Warehouse 8. Read this with that in mind.... Vacation Time: Christie and the boys and I are taking a weeklong vacation at the beach... Along with the Headley family. We visit them in Colorado to ski in the winter, they visit us for the beach in the summer. … [Read more...]
“I Don’t Have To Think” (Apparently Not….)
The three headlines say it all... Not only does this new meter now allow you not to think, it is THE thing that means "now we can really make it" and even more importantly, this meter is the "start of a new civilization." These hype phrases could be part of one of those games. Fill in the missing subject (new Meter/GAT/Basics/Congresses/Ron Series etc etc) and then add the "descriptors" to complete the sentence. They keep using the same statements over and over and they describe anything from attending an event, to reading a book to running around a pole to completing OT VIII. Completely … [Read more...]
Bludgeoned With A Blunt Object
If you are a Field Auditor and GAG II has not completely destroyed your willingness/desire or ability to continue your profession, this surely will. You are expected to come up with $10,000 in the next 2 weeks to purchase the "required number" of Warehouse VIII's -- otherwise you will be declared a CI squirrel. How very typical of the arrogant "let them eat cake" attitude of Captain Miscavige. I can see the orders that have been issued now "You tell IHELP they had better get all the field auditors to buy my Warehouse VIIIs and if there are any field auditors who are so DB they are going to … [Read more...]
The Hasbro Mark VIII Easy Bake Ultrameter Warehouse Edition
Someone on Ortega's blog this morning put up a picture of the Hasbro Easy Bake oven and compared it to the Warehouse VIII. Striking similarity. And worth a laugh. But believe me, in the world of Miscavige, when he becomes aware of this, heads will roll. Russ Bellin and Tom Vorm in CST were the primary movers on the design of the Warehouse VIII. Miscavige announced to everyone in International Management (when it actually existed) that these guys had found the top design firm in the world -- "the people that help design Apple" products. At the time, CST honchos were held up as … [Read more...]
Mark VIII Ultra E-Meter – 9 Years In Storage
This article is reprinted from Steve Hall's blog. It is both important and timely in light of the upcoming "Golden Age of Tech II" They have been used at the FSO for a decade along with his "new grades," so maybe these enormous advances for planetary clearing can now be unleashed on the world.... Hello to all Independent Scientologists. Maybe you’ve heard rumors of a new e-meter. Here is the story. During the evolution to create the Mark Super VII Quantum, the idea began to create a new E-meter using digital technology. In 2000 a project was launched to get this going. Some of the goals … [Read more...]