Tonight at 8pm there is a special episode of The Aftermath touching upon the subject of scientology's front groups. Of course, the most well-know of them is Narconon, which is why it was so ironic that I was sent this a couple of days ago. Scientology says the "social betterment" organizations are NOT recruitment arms for scientology. Look at the first paragraph of this letter. Bobby Wiggins seems to have retired from his Narconon job and now is making commissions from persuading people to give money to the IAS. The irony of this is when he WAS in Narconon he had to scrape and … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Response to Episode 6
Here is my customary response to the weekly scientology insanity that appears on their website during the airing of each episode of The Aftermath. Anyone who sees the vile invective spewed by scientology about EVERYONE who ever says anything they don't like reaches the same conclusion: scientology's reaction is evidence of the truth of the experiences each of these people recounts. This organization is hateful, vindictive and insane. No story is too incredible to be believed. There is no reason NOT to believe everything that is said by the victims. So, let's take a look at this week's … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Response to Episode 5
Time to take a look at the weekly "response" from scientology to The Aftermath's latest episode. It is of course as pathetic as all their previous efforts because they cannot address the FACTS, so they exclusively deal in ad hominem attacks pursuant to scientology policy. I will endeavor to bring some semblance of truth to the stream of lies they put forth about JB and Jackson. Scientology is wearing a trail into the carpet -- everyone is a bad person, they are all "low-level" nobodies, they all have "confessions" that "prove" they are liars, cheats and thieves and not a single person … [Read more...]
Marty Rathbun’s Meltdown
The spiders on Marty's walls are getting larger and more active and he appears to be increasingly more concerned that he has to explain his hallucinations to the world. I have tended to ignore pretty much everything he has said, and I could care less what he says about me personally (all anyone need do is go back and look at many of his laudatory comments about me to see that both versions of me that he preached about cannot be true). But I do not appreciate him taking aim at people who have suffered harm at the hands of scientology and calling them liars. Especially when they have … [Read more...]
Marty Rathbun’s Videos
I have declined to comment about Marty Rathbun until now for two reasons: I had no additional information about him than anyone else did, though people assumed otherwise. Therefore, I could only speculate about his actions and why he would do and say the things he did. I try to avoid speculating, I would rather deal in verifiable facts. I considered him a friend and someone who had helped me when I was first leaving scientology. He was in a unique position as few had similar experiences in the Sea Org and with Miscavige as me, so it was easy for him to understand. I will always be … [Read more...]
Scientology, Lying and the FBI
Recent articles at Tony Ortega's blog and the Tampa Bay Times recount the stillborn scientology FBI investigation based on FOI documents obtained by RadarOnline. There is not much else to say about the investigation itself, it has been covered at length by Tony Ortega, the Tampa Bay Times and Lawrence Wright, first in his New Yorker article then more extensively in Going Clear. What is interesting is to look back at how scientology responded when asked about the investigation in earlier years. A number of people who had been interviewed by the FBI (including me) had confirmed that an i … [Read more...]
Scientology: Human Rights Champions or Abusers?
Scientology takes great pains to present itself to the world as a champion of human rights. Their tag line is "Making Human Rights A Global Reality." Look at their website - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is prominently featured. And their efforts to "ensure the human rights of everyone" are mentioned extensively. Same in Freedom magazine (when it is published -- seems to have dried up of late). Videos showing their wondrous human rights programs are routinely shown at Miscavige's Nuremberg Rally events. Here is the Freedom magazine home p … [Read more...]
Debbie Cook Revisited
It's been some time since any news about Debbie Cook has surfaced. Then last weekend Tony Ortega posted that she has just published a book on Amazon about recovering from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. Although I haven't spoken to Debbie in years, I have thought about her and Wayne many times and after reading some of the comments on Tony's blog, I felt some background information might be of interest to fill in a few blanks and perhaps dispel some misconceptions. There hasn’t really been a reason for me to write about this before. Marty covered the activities of her case and the s … [Read more...]
Scientology: “You Are Being Watched 24/7”
In light of recent events, I thought it might be appropriate to repost a couple of videos. These were originally posted on Marty Rathbun's blog in December 2012. They are pretty self-explanatory. The first two show one of the earlier iterations of "you are being watched 24/7" video surveillance the church set up on my house. I realized this was the case when I received an "anonymous" letter warning me not to talk to my neighbor -- which was a sort of "WTF?" moment where I asked myself "How does anyone know I spoke to my neighbor"? From there, it was not hard to figure out where the … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Age Of Evasion
Scientology's "Golden Age of Evasion" (GAE) is unfolding in all its glory. They ran an ad on the Super Bowl they called "Age of Answers," proclaiming "welcome to the age of answers." Like most things scientological, what they state is the polar opposite of reality. First, the ad was placed only in those areas with "Ideal Orgs" -- and not even all of those qualified. Some of those "ideal orgs" are such pitiful failures that nothing could justify throwing away money placing the ad in their market. The ads were placed FOR EXISTING SCIENTOLOGISTS. Fearing the repercussions of exposure of … [Read more...]