by Mike Rinder In light of the ongoing St Pete Times series, here are some further thoughts on the subject. Some Background: David Miscavige has a long history of financial rape extending back to his days as “Chairman of the Board Author Services” in the 1980’s. There he oversaw the Battlefield Earth and Mission Earth “special editions” and “signed artwork prints” exorbitantly priced rip-offs sold as “investments.” Anyone who owns these virtually worthless “properties” knows how much they are worth and how much bullshit hype accompanied their sale. Miscavige also directed the pillaging of or … [Read more...]
Is David Miscavige a Threat to the Public At Large?
If you think the Petition to President Obama has nothing to do with you, your friends, your family, and even your neighbors, think again. What follows is but one of many stories about how the taxpayer subsidized, mafia-like tactics of David Miscavige pose a danger to society at large. Ratchet up your confront of evil a couple notches. David Miscavige with a billion tax free dollars is capable of - and is trying his hardest to achieve - a tremendous amount of chaos and hurt even to those who have never heard of Scientology. If you don't want advances in the sciences and particularly health s … [Read more...]
On David Miscavige's Behavior — Part 2
By Mike Rinder A recent discussion with Jim Logan and Christie reminded me of a section in Self Analysis that I then pulled out and read in a new unit of time. It offers insight into the oft posed question: How is it possible that competent and able individuals in “international management” are apparently so incapable of doing anything about David Miscavige’s insanity. I suspect anyone who has ever been in close proximity to POB will read this and wonder how LRH could, in 1951, describe someone in 2011 SO precisely. This is “Part 2” to an earlier posting concerning PAB 13 titled On DM’s Behavio … [Read more...]
Rome Smolders While the Phoenix Rises
After public humiliation at Ingleside on the Bay, the star of a recent post - Miscavige's prize "OT H8" Ed Bryan - was shuffled off with a group of 8 other Miscavige operatives to Miami. Reference: They were flanked by Miscavige shill Jim Lynch impersonating a reporter for Freedumb along with yet another crew. For more on Lynch and his shill status see: Their mission: attempt to disrupt a trade convention attended by Mike Rinder in an effort to destroy his … [Read more...]
Ringmaster of the Vulture Culture
by Mike Rinder This video excerpt is but the latest example of the degradation of Scientology at the hands of Pope on a Box. It is one section of the Opening Night of Maiden Voyage 2011, an event devoted almost exclusively to the surreal, off-policy “fundraising” circuses staged by the OT Asses in orgs around the world, even those that already have an “Ideal Org”. Watch it and weep for what was once an organization that had some dignity, compassion and offered genuine help to man. [wpvideo PydRHCQZ] If you might have ever had a fleeting thought “there’s no way anyone could condone this insa … [Read more...]
Freedumb Mag
Here is the Freedumb crew harassing Mike and his business associates yesterday: [youtube=] Today Leblow and four goons in baby blue anti-Marty t-shirts and head cameras were chased out of my neighborhood by the neighbors, then chased away from Monique's former place of employment by her friends and erstwhile co-workers. While Miscavige has jacked the daily PI budget on us to close to twenty thousand a day, his minions are apparently fixin' to renege on yet another of his big shot words; namely, a promise to pay the City of Clearwater fines for … [Read more...]
Birthday Game Smoke and Mirrors
[wpvideo LXvnm9Z0] By Mike Rinder This segment of the event is a study in the hardest outpoint to spot: Omitted Data. First omitted. Guillaume Lesevre used to be introduced as ED Int. Then it became “from International Management” after he had been removed from post. Now he is just “Mr. Guillaume Lesevre.” Miscavige only tolerates him being in the same event because he doesn’t want to stoop to handing out awards to Missions and orgs (he doesn’t mind doing it to the Platinum Gluteus Maximas who provide his vacation trip/party/meal/tailor/manicurist allowance). What’s it going to be next year? … [Read more...]
The Cult of Miscavige – Desecration Day
Warning: Do not watch the following video if you just ate. Secure beverages a fair distance from your computer before watching. Clear any children out of the room whom you do not wish to hear you curse at the top of your lungs. If you have extremely high blood pressure, skip the video entirely. - blog management [wpvideo 2Ayswxx6] By Mike Rinder Watching Dear Leader’s March 13 “tribute” to L. Ron Hubbard is to experience two plus hours of gag-inducing tragicomedy. But it is also the latest evidence of what Mark McKinstry said in response to Marty’s posting Miscavige’s New Shock Squads. “T … [Read more...]
by Mike Rinder Here is the latest twist on sucking blood out of stones. Once you have turned over any available money and have borrowed to your credit card limit and taken out your second or third mortgage, cashed in your life insurance policy and sold your future rights to an inheritance, there is something more EVERYONE can give in order to raise their status. Here is the newest email from Orange County Pawn Shop Fundraisers: From: Orange County [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 10:36 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Would You Like To … [Read more...]
Claudio and Renata Lugli are Free
Claudio and Renata Lugli, OTVIII and OTVII have left the Church Of Scientology. Claudio and Renata have been vital pillars to the start and growth of Scientology in Italy, they are internationally known as Scientologists and as Fashion Designers. Here is their statement. My wife and I have decided to leave the current Church of Scientology and to cease any kind of support and participation in it. We haven’t been able to find the spiritual attributes that once constituted the basics in which its founder L. Ron Hubbard had originally built Scientology on. That, and only that, was the det … [Read more...]