Of course, following the Masterson conviction, scientology put out a statement about how they have been subjected to "prejudice" and "bigotry." Here it is, in all it's holier-than-thou sliminess, and their usual outright lies. The prosecution's introduction of religion into this trial was an unprecedented violation of the First Amendment and affects the due process rights of every American. The Church was not a party to this case and religion did not belong in this proceeding as Supreme Court precedent has maintained for centuries. The District Attorney unconscionably centered his p … [Read more...]
Scientology Hate and Discrimination Exposed
This is the bleat they repeat over and over. "We stand for everyone's human rights" and "we protect the rights of everyone to practice the religion of their choice" -- what they don't say out loud is the rest of the sentence: "UNTIL it is inconvenient for us." One need look no further than the recent California Appeals Court decision in the Masterson case. Tony Ortega covered the decision at the Underground Bunker It held in part (emphasis mine): Individuals have a First Amendment right to leave a religion. We hold that once petitioners had terminated their affiliation with … [Read more...]
More on Scientology “Religious Arbitration”
Anyone who regularly reads this blog will know that I have been scathing in my criticism of recent court rulings concerning the supposed scientology "religious arbitration" agreements that courts have enforced to prevent plaintiffs from pursuing legal recourse against scientology entities. See earlier articles: Scientology "Religious Arbitration" -- Giving Kangaroo Courts a Bad Name and this one: Concerning Scientology "Religious Arbitration." Now comes an article from the Reason.com website which is rather more scholarly than my layman's analysis. A leading expert on religious arbitration ( … [Read more...]
Scientology “Religious Arbitration” – Giving Kangaroo Courts a Bad Name
Recently, one of the OSA bots on Twitter announced that the Judge in the Masterson civil case had "found me to be a liar" in the case "I lost." This is their twisted interpretation of the following statement by Judge Steven Kliefield in his ruling that the Masterson plaintiffs must submit to religious "arbitration," (see Tony Ortega's site for the full order): Defendants argue the Court should disregard the March 6, 2020 declaration because Rinder is biased, dedicated to falsely attacking the Church and has no foundation for much of his testimony. CSI and CCI also make specific objections … [Read more...]