The Young Turks is a VERY popular source of news for millennials (and others) on YouTube. This is their take on SuMP -- and while they still repeated some of the falsehoods that appeared in the Mail Online story, their take on scientology in general is a pretty good reflection of how it is viewed in the world. You will see they recommend everyone view Going Clear. Miscavige's Latest Ribbon Yanking Though the Underground Bunker covered the ribbon yanking in Clearwater this morning, I had a couple of points to note. I happened to drive by Flag yesterday on my way home and was … [Read more...]
Scientology Media Footbullets On Rapid Fire
The below article was published by Radar Online this morning. It is of note because it is further evidence that scientology is demonstrating to the world that everything in the movie is true. Their hamfisted footbullets are not going unnoticed as they may have done in the past. But it is especially interesting because of the absolutely astonishing arrogance of the responses. Everything they do is further confirmation of their guilt. Who in their right mind, when confronted with an email threatening physical violence would not say "We condemn threats of violence and will assist the … [Read more...]
Bryan Seymour did a piece on the nightly 7 news in Australia about the church misappropriating the term ANZAC. Some alert readers had picked up on my comments about it yesterday and made it known that there is a law in Australia that forbids the use of this term. Bryan contacted the Australian Government, who have now apparently launched an inquiry, and the head of the Retired Serviceman's League (RSL) who was outraged, as well as interviewing some people on the street. It confirmed what I had felt when I saw the promo piece originally, even though I haven't lived in Australia for 40 … [Read more...]
Tampa Bay Times Editorial
Someone sent me this editorial and I am reprinting it here as a public service. As noted elsewhere I can no longer see their website without paying them a fee which I am not inclined to do and there are others interested in the subject who cannot even buy a hard copy of the paper as they live outside Florida. The Editorial makes a good point. If everything is all above board and proper as the church claims, why are they so worried about these lawsuits and doing everything possible to distract from the real issues they raise? Editorial: Cases shine a light into Scientology Friday, … [Read more...]
Handling For All The “Entheta”
This is the email being urgently sent around to "handle" the entheta "that comes up in your life" (ie if you have been anywhere near the internet, TV or print media over the last week). The "positioning" game is going full roar. By their very actions the church are PROVING exactly what Leah said. When she asked "Where's Shelly" Tommy Davis told her its "above her fucking pay grade" to even ask and she ended up being sec checked.... For expressing concern over the whereabouts of someone she had known for MANY years. Of course, such a question is only "entheta" if it misses the withholds of … [Read more...]