Hmm... Don't think so Hubbard derided bowling as being dilettante… Guess they don’t read much policy. Superstar? Dinner and an unnamed guest? Friday theta… While Iranian missiles light up the sky? A Drug Free Los Angeles? Including the devil’s weed? You know it's legal there right? Haunted House: the perfect metaphor for a Scientology organization Weird self promotion All of the ideal donors in Australia They’re making 30 SNOTS a month Only another 41 years to go to ea … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Free Dinner Really wonder if anyone shows up to these things... Native American dance -- do not want to miss! Battling for a lost cause. More dinners on offer Double Dipping You need to be an IAS member AND a local Malmo org member? This quote... Presented with "much love" Why? Because it's cheaper than anywhere else Their unattainable target Flag has 25K SNOTs, AOLA has 150 Solo auditors. 250 is such a drop in the bucket it won't accomplish anything even if they make this impossible … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Chan Man is back He is playing football for freedom now? I suspect he is not very good... But there is a free dinner. So maybe some hungry people will come. I get invitations like this all the time -- free dinner and we get to pitch you on our MLM scheme, Time Share, investment planning options or funeral service... Oh-oh... No confidence all those OT VII and Superpowered people aren't going to be able to keep the place safe even though the predictions are that it will NOT hit Tampa Bay? And why move it to the Mission and charge an entrance fee and not offer food? … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
OOPS -- thought it was Wednesday today so there is a bonus Dianetics Surf Team posting today, but didn't want to miss out on Thursday Funnies! Once we have an all ideal ANZO... Just imagine, all of Australia, New Zealand, Oceania and ASIA will be 'ideal." With the only orgs in all of Asia (including India, China and Indonesia) in Tokyo and Kaohsiung. That's planetary clearing at correct orders of magnitude! Your Dream Job awaits! Working for a zealot scientologist con-man! The big Cincinnati celebrities come home... Well, the only ones. Bet they're not … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Once they get Canberra, Brisbane and Adelaide done… They will have an “ideal continent” and absolutely nothing will have changed. It might be helpful if they said where this event is taking place? Looks like Melbourne? Why not Sydney? THE auditor training organization… Celebrates auditors once a year. Still no SH Briefing Course - the course the organization is named after! An epic event… What has this got to do with “Flag life“? The NOI are taking over Florence KY… And it’s all thinking, no action. &nb … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Mad Hatters Unite What an appropriate theme for this exercise in futility. What does this even mean? And why is it being done in the Ft Harrison? I assume he is promoting Delphi? The NOT scientology school... Did you know that LRH knew nothing about computers? If you ever read his "advices" about controlling planets with computers and "escalating non-compliance" you would know he was blowing a lot of smoke about his "whole track recall." And it has nothing to do with "expanding your dynamics." As for "predicting AI" no more than hundreds of other cheap … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Late today, I had some other things happening and couldn't get this ready in time... It's BBQ time in Melbourne for no reason And not the sort of thetan BBQ held 75 million years ago... At least Chicago has a reason... And some mighty entertainment Let's test her abilities to communicate with anyone... Ever met an SP? Chan Man is back big time... And he has a magician with him New Era snagged him for a webinar I just don't get the appeal of this guy. If you have ever listened to one of his lectures (Tony … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Three? Not just scientology -- the only path to Planetary Clearing? Maybe NOI? Buddhism? Columbus is back With a Dianetics potluck. They're really going to town celebrating the most important book in the history of mankind.... This is the "huge" Canada Ideal Org convention.. The one they held at the airport. They had a penguin/dolphin/killer whale thingie... A moose... A few people -- many appeared to be staff.. And of course, people on stilts wearing a hockey mask... Talk about … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
They're hopping in Brisbane... All 10 of them. They're heading for Planetary Clearing in no time with this army. Dianetics hitting the streets in Chicago Wonder if they actually sold a book? Graduation? I thought that was for people completing auditing and courses? The Chanman cometh Take your life to the "next level"... Whatever that means. The 'home stretch" Yeah, they've been saying that for a year now. If you've read History of Man, you'll know what I mean... Oh dear. You mean you think that is … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's ALWAYS "around the corner" Or "coming up." Never happening NOW or "already happened." Why is it just the same 4 "beautiful people"? Isn't there anyone else in Vancouver? Good luck with that... They're about as valuable as last week's newspaper. Going back to the 50's Scientology has been stuck in the 50's, well, since the 50's. You need a Class IX to explain this? That's what the Comm Course supposedly teaches you? Power Up Your Life? They bring in someone from Twin Cities -- one of the deadest of the dead … [Read more...]