How Times Have Changed Arte Maren, one of the original GO mouthpieces is being promoted by Flag. Hubbard would shit if he knew this -- "FSMs" being promoted by Flag, when they're supposed to be the ones promoting Flag. And a GO traitor (Hubbard painted the GO with a VERY broad brush after they got caught -- they were heros before that of course) A seminar for celebrities and artists who aren't doing well... Jenna Elfman might be attending I heard. Bodhi is definitely in. Jim Meskimen is probably planning to go. "Must Attend" Never been said before … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Her dad convinced her.... The monumental COB briefing... About Africa? In Australia? You think he knows what this even means? Wow -- a basic course completion! That's worth promoting... Dream Team? A Free Seminar in Chicago! This is new news? Like it needs an exclamation point... Looking REALLY excited Just wait to see her expression when she gets her first pay check. Another one brimming with enthusiasm! Why not join the "ideal org" in Nashville? At least its … [Read more...]
The Great New Era Webinar and How Scientology Fakes “Good News”
New Era, which seems to have taken on a new role as sort of the "continental org" for Europe trying to sell scientology to new public, held a "Dissemination Webinar" and we were sent some screen shots from an attendee that provide some interesting insights. The lineup was a "who's who" of scientology FSM hucksters. Arte Maren, Rafferty Pendery, Michael Chan, Andrea D'Agostini, Pier Paderni. Here is the "good news" (featuring not recently seen nor heard from Joy Villa) -- with the typically vague "hundreds of thousands of people introduced to … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
Mini Mike visits Flag Just dropped in to try to say hi to Mr. Mickiewicz. Rogue's Gallery Only missing Grant Cardone to complete this pantheon of hucksters. This is the "Advanced Org"? Why are they promoting free introductory VM services? Meet the staff? Just an excuse to put the best looking woman on their promotion. Surely the ED or Technical Secretary or even a reg would be more appropriate than the receptionist? This is very weird.... Two scientology celebrities talking about "total freedom" starting with … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Mr. Mickiewicz Going to be calling the COB "Mr. Mickiewicz" from now on.... Infinite Expansion? If he knows how to create infinite expansion, how come there are no orgs in Slovakia or Lithuania? Contrary Facts Her friend is an OT VII who can't make it go right to pay for OT VIII without selling her gaudy scientology jewelry? So much for those OT's at cause over all life. The "National Church" This is it -- the "National Church" up there on the "first floor" as it is called in Australia (below it is the "ground floor"). No sign. No … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
This is the "Advanced Org" Their "Safe Pointing" campaign... ASI's "Tasty Treats" Get yourself a shot of hot jolt -- while they try to sell you some "priceless" "special editions" of Ron's old, not very good, fiction. He's Running in Circles He's "on Cause Resurgence" -- wonder if he's dizzy? No Org Graduates? Just someone from Flag? An example to others? Oddly for Chicago, she is young. This poster is a bit misleading given the other old people we have seen... Avoid bad decisions Like paying $6 … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
What Does It Take? A LOT more than 20 people posing for a photo... It's why you are still not done 20 years into this program. Listen to Mr. Alistair Bennet And he knows? Because he has a Sea Org belt on? A Fundamental M/U Black Friday is supposed to be where you offer big discounts... Inspiration? More like desperation to get anyone to attend... The Chan Man Cometh All the way to Melbourne? Wonder who is paying for this? Thanksgiving Potluck? I thought it was supposed to be a turkey … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Why is "Graduation" never just graduation? Because they don't have enough people completing anything. The results are in? Form where? Did they take a poll there too and discover it has the worst reputation of any group in the country? What it's like a the top of the Bridge No different, you just have less money. The Bay Area is Dead They're going to try to revive it. How strange, there are 4 ideal orgs there... Raven Kane (Campbell) has a new name? Why? Effective Management? Howe to write a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
A lot of promo this week has been devoted to the massively, spectacular, epic wider bridge OMG! But there are some other bits and pieces worthy of comment... Postcard Mania? This is the venue, not one of the numerous completely empty Potemkin village buildings on N. Ft Harrison? What is she holding up? Why are they blanking out a routing form? Deep questions and an epiphany Scientologists love good conspiracy theories. Global Elites in secret perverted activity! Things TOO disturbing to share. But scientology has the answer. The ONLY … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Chan Man He is going to singlehandedly make Canada ideal, like he has the US (except for those who are still trying...) If this guy is SO powerful, how come all orgs aren't done yet? The Magic of Chicago? Bringing out the best in your child... Plus Freewinds "goodwill" tour and the Top Gun Chicago Air and Water show. Every one of these is a disguised recruitment event. Trying to get anyone to show up they can pressure into joining staff. Why not start with Marcy Sargeant? Wick Allcock is still in Melbourne? He HAS been "put out to … [Read more...]