Bunny Rabbits and Freddie Mercury Impersonators What symbolizes ideal orgs better than this? And a trip to the Blue Mountains... Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra will be ideal in no time. Forget about the rest of Asia and the Pacific. First? Is that a sad state of affairs if this is true? Did you see the latest census numbers from Australia where 2000 people in the whole country identify as scientologists? And three of their six orgs are still not ideal... Yeah, sure there are dozens every week Not Canada Day Graduation... Chris … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
"Ideal" Continent Will be accomplished by getting buildings renovated for Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra. Never mind the fact there is not a single org in Indonesia, the Philippines, China, South East Asia, Oceania or the Indian subcontinent. Planetary Clearing is happening! More ideal-y-ness Community and Economic Development? If they're so good at this, how come their own communities are disappearing before their very eyes? They're down to a handful of scientologists in the major cities of S. Africa and you can count them on one hand in … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Be kind, be decent... Yeah, the guiding principles of scientology. Not AOSH Africa taking over the world One country that is actually their zone, everywhere else they are poaching other AO's territory! And who the hell is this guy -- he is from Albania? Why is he promoting AOSH Africa and not AOSHEU? Oh boy... Columbus is almost the BEST org in all of EUS? And the real scoop on this Sea Org manned org is that it is a complete morgue -- listen to the podcast Chris Shelton did recently with the SO member who The Aftermath Foundation helped … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Did they actually have 2 completions in one week? They never show shots of the actual graduation... More "Advanced Org" services What are these people doing? They're so desperate they are trying to attract raw public? Monumental Achievements They got some people to play at Graduation! The bar is pretty low these days... It's International(r) you know... Here's one of their events Same few people -- doesn't really look too international What I Fear Most Taking financial advice from an old guy trying to look cool and … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What Deal!! 2 weeks in a motel, then a week on the Freewinds. And you get a webinar" that you could do from the comfort of your own home. And two people who are going to instruct you on how to get into Power as an artist and be on the comm lines of the world. Two people nobody has ever heard of. How to do everything at once seminar Wonder if this guy has ever read Problems of Work? Does he know what he is promoting is flat out off-Source? What? How does graduation equate to "Stronger together"? More … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
May 9th Reduced to a "special graduation" Back in the day it was a major event held at the Shrine Auditorium Ideal Scenes and Ideal Orgs It's pretty ideal in the world of scientology. At least in their minds. Well, isn't that theta He learned how to be "light and gentle" on the PTS/SP Course. Must be a different course than I ever saw. Still Going Still a "Class VIII" Still a rimless zero Trying a new angle for some PR points Pretty soon we will be reading that the VM's have "formed a partnership" … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Until I was left with only me.... You only think you got rid of all those pesky BTs and Clusters. Until you get to OT 6, then you will discover you are not ONLY you, but a whole lot more BT's and Cluster. Tens of thousands of them. How could you possibly be so wrong? Not a lot of interest.... It seems people are NOT curious. Limited Seating They have 2 folding chairs set up. One for Lance. The other is available. It IS limited seating.... The history of freedom... Delivered by those who promise it (for a hefty price) and … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What Could Be Better? I wonder if ANYONE actually attended this? Kiddie Corner Sad as always... The Chan Man I would love to ask him about being in Power on the 8th Dynamic and what this looks like? Would he say he is God like Nancy Cartwright infamously did?\ Also, I wonder if him being in Power on all dynamics has anything to do with the fact that he is apparently doing "In Org Live Event" in 3 cities at the same time (everyone else has to Zoom In)??? Love that tag line "We audit kids" Still only … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Phoenix Rising in Albuquerque They should probably pay more attention to the dead phoenix in Phoenix where the ideal org is a morgue. The Chan Man is going to make their postulates stick -- just watch, Phoenix and Albuquerque will be booming soon. Your Defining Moment? Another one of these seminars that every org needs. Funny how they offer up advice to everyone on how to expand, but can't seem to do so themselves.... Again with the advice... If he was so good making his postulates stick don't you think CC would have at least one new major celebrity in the … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Reign? What a strange choice for a quote... certainly had nothing to do with Thanksgiving. Operating on that old scientology adage: If Ron said it, it must be good/true/appropriate.... Experts on Stress Relief The Jive Asses? These two pics really go together well don't you think? It's a Mega Event! VERY special guest "Captain" Mike Spurgeon. He's been there forever captaining Canada and has accomplished absolutely nothing. Not even Toronto ideal and they didn't need to buy a building! They probably forgot about him. But when he starts promoting … [Read more...]