The Never Ending Story... Now they are doing fundraising "bake sales" in a Mission? For what? An ideal mission building? To pay the staff? Get App'd? More accurate would be "Get BS'd" Total knowledge. Total certainty. Nothing over the top about this.... And it's just ho-hum to scientologists who actually believe LRH had "total knowledge" and they can gain this too. 18th?? Sounds like they are cannibals or something and just consumed their 18th human. Axiom 10 "The highest purpose in this universe is the creation … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
7.5 Humanitarian statuses... Isn't necessarily someone with a lot of money. Unless you define not much money as a few hundred thousand. Guarantee you they won't give you a 9X Humanitarian poster WITHOUT any money. Quasi-Cincinnati... ...the new Flag. Poaching people from all over the world. Blazing a trail. Clearing the planet. In Florence Kentucky. Jeanie always had delusions of grandeur. See what I mean? Jeanie's out telling everyone else how to do it. Though she's been in Cincinnati for 20 years and it's STILL not SH Size … [Read more...]
Millions and Millions
They keep hyping the vital necessity of Orlando "ideal" org because there are so many tourists. They've apparently got no better reason to try and persuade people this is important. Of course, they don't mention that more people visit Los Angeles and New York each year, and they've had ideal orgs for decades. The result? Zip, nada and nothing. And even more on point, Las Vegas has almost as many vacationers, and arguably ones more susceptible to the scientology pitch than families on the way to Disney World (kids account for a good portion of that 68 million number -- there are … [Read more...]
So Explain This CF I Keep Hearing About
A lot of people are curious about the "CF filing" that scientology obsesses over. It is a mystery to many of the uninitiated, though certainly anyone who has been around an org knows about CF and its perpetual backlog of filing. "Central Files" is a Hubbard invention to keep track of everyone that has ever bought a book or taken a service in a scientology organization. Each person has a file folder (or many as time goes on) that includes copies of all invoices (yes, invoices for payments are still written with colored copies to be filed in Accounts Files, Student and PC Files and Central … [Read more...]
WD 40?
This is pretty much a throw-away post for today. The relentless drive for "donations" gives birth to some really cray cray stuff. The opportunities for innuendo and puns are almost endless with something like this. I will leave that to the many humorous commenters that frequent this site. As I said, for personal reasons I don't have much time to devote to putting together a decent post today. Hope Tony O has something good... … [Read more...]