I originally posted a version of this in early 2017. I have updated it with additional information and quotes. It's important, especially in light of the ongoing prosecution of Danny Masterson, other investigations, and civil cases. Anyone who confronts scientology witnesses needs to understand the nature of the beast. While repeatedly asserting that they are "the most ethical group on earth" and that they are constantly having to "get rid of" people who "cannot live up to their ethical standards," in truth, every dedicated scientologist is a liar. Why? The short answer: … [Read more...]
Battlefield Scientology
The beautiful, brave and brilliant Paulette Cooper sent me a note about the new book she authored with Tony Ortega of Underground Bunker fame. I have not had a chance to read it yet, but Paulette is a wonderful writer and Tony has an encyclopedic knowledge of scientology so I feel certain that I cannot go wrong in recommending it. Tony’s blog is a wealth of invaluable information that has been accumulating for years. It truly is the scientology wikipedia. I tell people if they cannot find what they are looking for about scientology on the Bunker it probably doesn't exist. And this is a s … [Read more...]
Framing Whistleblowers — The Scientology Playbook
The media reports that Paul Haggis is now being accused of sexual assault. He responds that scientology may be behind these claims. There is good reason to believe this is no crazy conspiracy theory. Here is why. L. Ron Hubbard, founder of scientology, took a very dim view of anyone critical of scientology. Whether politician, reporter, disillusioned former follower or his own family members, Hubbard designated them as "enemies" -- not just of scientology, but of mankind. And he laid out in detail how those enemies were to be destroyed. Hubbard decreed that anyone speaking negatively … [Read more...]
Harvey Weinstein & Scientology – Separated at Birth?
This New Yorker article is an extremely detailed and well-documented peek behind the curtain of a dirtbag with a lot of money hiring big-name, reputable lawyers and private investigators to conduct a concerted campaign to intimidate and silence victims of and witnesses to his abuse. Scientology has been doing this for years. Decades actually. They wrote the book, literally, on this sort of intimidation tactics. Everyone else is a pretender to the throne of corrupt power abusing the less powerful with impunity. The big difference between Harvey Weinstein and scientology is the money s … [Read more...]
Dealing with Critics of Scientology – The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook
If you read this blog, you are likely aware of Leah Remini's upcoming A&E show. I have had the pleasure of working with Leah on this show as a consultant and participant, a cause of great distress for the church. So I thought I might weigh in with some information I feel is pertinent to events now and into the future. As a reader here you are likely also aware of the "church" reaction to the announcement of the show and the first trailer being released - the usual name-calling, smearing and foot stomping that does not RESPOND in any fashion to the abuses being exposed. … [Read more...]