Of course, Chicago is the main thing happening in the world of scientology right now, so a substantial percentage of the outpouring of promotional items relates to Chicago. The desperation to try to get a single org manned with enough people to fill it's unnecessary building is quite a sight to behold. The entire scientology organizational structure is focused on this and they cannot get it done -- what about "Clearing the Planet" if this is such a tough assignment.... I'm not including everything concerning Chicago because it's terribly repetitive, but I have included a … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
What Does It Take? A LOT more than 20 people posing for a photo... It's why you are still not done 20 years into this program. Listen to Mr. Alistair Bennet And he knows? Because he has a Sea Org belt on? A Fundamental M/U Black Friday is supposed to be where you offer big discounts... Inspiration? More like desperation to get anyone to attend... The Chan Man Cometh All the way to Melbourne? Wonder who is paying for this? Thanksgiving Potluck? I thought it was supposed to be a turkey … [Read more...]