My apologies -- I mistakenly thought Roberta Blevins episode was airing this week. It is in fact our fascinating interview with Dylan Gill. Roberta will air next week, so you have that to look forward to! We talk to Dylan Gill, former executive of Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) about the organization established to preserve Hubbard's words in the event of a nuclear holocaust for all future civilizations, what the symbols etched into the ground mean, the various homes built for Hubbard after his death that are maintained to this day, and much more. Dylan has … [Read more...]
Episode 71: Listener Questions #10
We start 2022 with one of our favorites -- a Listener Question episode. As always, we cover a wide scope of topics, from Fair Game campaign tactics to preserving Hubbard's "legacy" on stainless steel plates in titanium capsules in nuclear-bomb-proof vaults and the embarrassing "We Stand Tall" song... It's a lot of fun and hopefully includes new information for our listeners. Here are some of the things we mentioned: The activities of Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) to preserve the tech. Scientology is so proud of this, and treat it with such earnestness they have a fully … [Read more...]