This is another of the descent into insanity scribblings of Hubbard… This is not only factually untrue in many places, it is also illogical. The VAST majority of people convicted of crimes have never been anywhere near a "psych." By the end of his life Hubbard had become obsessed with BT's and psychs. They had always been hot topics or him, but we know from his published writings (including the Mission Earth crazy) that the psychs had become the target for everything wrong in society. And we know from the account of one of the 3 people who was with him in his last days and that he was so … [Read more...]
Reforming Scientology?
Leah recently reminded me of this wonderful website, and in particular, this article by my old friend Jeff Hawkins. Jeff is one of the kindest, smartest and most decent people I know. When Miscavige blew him off, he lost one of the only real marketing geniuses in scientology. Jeff was responsible for the single successful marketing campaign in scientology -- returning Dianetics to the top of the NY Times bestseller list in the 80's. He is a wonderful writer -- I highly recommend his book Counterfeit Dreams -- and a thoughtful analyst of the world of scientology. I am taking the liberty … [Read more...]