A recent leak from inside the bubble inadvertently disclosed the state of scientology “expansion.” Now we have more. These statements are from a recent “briefing” (ideal org fundraiser) where they have to walk a fine line: on one hand they need to maintain the party line that everything in the world of scientology is going gang-busters, on the other hand there's a desperate need for money right now, right now, right now because the world is coming to a rapid end. Then again, the sheeple are so conditioned to swallowing bs they accept even the most blatantly obvious lies and contrad … [Read more...]
Give Us Your Money for Christmas
Scientology, in the "spirit of Christmas" wants you to give them money for a building in Puerto Rico. "This is our chance to give an incredible Christmas gift..." So typically scientology that "our gift" is for you to hand over your money... Two public people are "hosting" what they call the "Ideal Miracle Event" in Flag's restaurant. The Old Man is spinning in his grave thinking about "FCCI's" doing events in Sea Org buildings. The best bit about this is LRH quote. Such incredible arrogance: "We are the protectors of the real tradition of Christmas..." -- that "real … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
10 weeks with Arte Maren... People PAY for this? Amount raised - $0 This is her birthday fundraiser that's been up for a year. She is the Snr C/S of the Portland "ideal" org Wait until you find out... Actually you have to pay more to get that ability because you really cannot confront life until you are done with OT III. And then OT V. And then OT VII. And on and on... That's a real stretch... Many of these people OD'd -- First guy on their list, Don Simpson was in scientology for a while. Didn't save him. Buried … [Read more...]
Islands of Sanity — In a Sea of Wogs
David Miscavige is fond of talking about how his "Ideal Org" program is creating "islands of sanity"... It is prominent in his official hagiography at scientology.org The idea that "OT's" are the ones "changing the planet" and creating "ideal orgs" is a "truth" scientology. It was one of Miscavige's strokes of genius to make the "OT's" responsible for creating ideal orgs. That way, they could not complain that they were not able to do OT IX and X, because Miscavige set an arbitrary that all orgs had to be "ideal" before this could happen (it actually began with all orgs St Hill Size, … [Read more...]
Scientology Delusion Is Strong
There is so much wrong with this that it's hard to wrap your wits around. These Ideal Org Whales have become like the privileged aristocracy of years gone by who sat drinking champagne while the peasants were ground underfoot. They believed themselves superior in every way and acted as such. So too the scientology moneyed "aristocracy." These buffoons organized a junket to the St Regis Resort and Vanderbilt 5 star hotel in San Juan to bring their "help" to Puerto Rico... A little salsa dancing lesson. A breakfast cruise. A bunch of toasts. And dressing up like the old aristocracy. … [Read more...]
Puerto Rico – More Ideal Org Fail
These bubbledwellers are so condescending. And I doubt they are even faintly aware of it. "There is not one Puerto Rican who does not have a desire to do better..." Among other statements. And her grammar, vocabulary and understanding of geography is about 5th grade level. Puerto Rico is "off the cuff" of the US? An ideal org in Puerto Rico is "our way to really create a huge WTH movement across all the Western Hemisphere" But the really good news -- Puerto Rico is only "1.4 million miles away" from buying a building. Why they don't just say dollars really is bizarre. If … [Read more...]