Always a head-scratcher The Hubbard "message to black people" is like My Philosophy. Total bunkum written to make himself sound altruistic. You don't need to look far to find the REAL truth. His REAL message to anyone of color can be found here: Ron The Racist. Decidedly NOT funny. Scrooge McDuck? Did you forget you are PAYING for this stuff? Incredible what people say -- went exterior and had wins comparable to auditing from reading the "basic" books and AP&A taught him how to audit.... Just like Mother's Day -- a total … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Wandering Wick Wore out his welcome in Melbourne. Now in his homeland creating big effects... Yawn. I guess he has been officially put out to pasture. He probably has a medical condition the SO doesn't want to pay for so they sent him back to NZ to take advantage of the free healthcare for citizens. What does it take? Just some crazy wigs and an LRH quote it seems. Oh, and your money. Graduation for Human Rights Day? Not enough graduates for a graduation. Not enough dones for an event about Human Rights. I know, let's put them … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The Time is Now! Of course, it ALWAYS is. Until tomorrow, when there is something better.... How can it be more? Last week was "everything you ever wanted"? It's really easy... Except for people who have access to the internet. Wonder if this is legal? In most states gambling is restricted Why is this Russian? Barcelona only delivers to Russians? It's the next big thing Re-do your Purif and SRD. Why? Because you can... Big Think? Ya think? None of these pix … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Back after our Alaska vacation -- which was wonderful. It's a breathtaking experience, unfortunately no photos do justice to its sheer scope and grandeur. There are a few more funnies than usual as it's 2 weeks worth, so some are a little dated: Unimpressive Numbers They really think that 10 OT levels completed in a week is going to accomplish anything? I see only two OTV's and most are OT IV (which along with OT 1 are the fastest levels). One NOT's completion per week is not going to get the 10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs for a LOOOONG … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It opened the flows... The ridiculous things they try to assign cause and effect to. Bottom of the Bridge at the "Advanced" Org They promote things that should be done in missions and lower level orgs. I guess when there is so little to talk about anything suffices. He's BACK!!! Who knew he was gone? More weird stuff at an "Advanced" Org They're going to teach people how to VIEW art??? Celebrate Mothers in scientology Disconnection from their children. Divorce from husbands who don't buy into … [Read more...]
RiverPark Mission is on Fire
Tony sold 44 raw books last week - HIMSELF ! Our Boss at Scientology Missions International had this made and sent to him. Quite fitting since Tony is Chinese/Taiwanese and it IS the year of the TIGER. Tony has been my staff member at the Riverpark Mission for 25 years. He is so pan-determined and so tireless and so dedicated to helping LRH Clear Earth. He deserves the utmost in admiration. I am so proud of him. The more books we avalanche out into the community the more we will turn the tide and win the day .. the day of sanity and freedom envisioned by LRH for all mankind. We would … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Lots of funnies about the Dear Leader in the Sky this week -- celebrating his birth on this earth, not so much his departure though (come to think of it, why isn't January 24th celebrated as the day he completed his OT work on this prison planet?). All people on this planet? He is helping them by giving money to renovate a building in Cape Town?? Hey Michal, why dont you join the Sea Org? Catching up to the internet era... Aren't they afraid people are going to see things they shouldn't by fishing around with their phones? A … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Still trying for 10,000 Though I guess they've taken some heat as suddenly they have increased more in the last 12 months than any time before... But what happens if they GET 10,000? The planet will be fully salvaged? Kids Success Stories Always inspiring Wow -- big news An AO can deliver the Purif! What a topsy turvy world scientology is Get enlightened About how you need to give us your money Still no International Events... Everyone else is doing things -- sporting events, concerts etc. Dave still too scared … [Read more...]