For some reason the links were broken to the Fair Game podcast episodes, so I have reloaded them so all episodes are available here … [Read more...]
New Leah & Mike Video: Scientology’s Fair Game Poster Child Caught Trying to Frame Leah
Kendrick (Rick) Moxon is an OT VIII scientologist and an “in-house” lawyer for scientology who maintains an office within the Office of Special Affairs International on the 10th floor of the HGB. He has been an operative carrying out scientology Fair Game activities since the mid-1970's, and continues to this day. His wife (Carla) is a prominent scientologist. His children are/were SO members. Here is just a brief summary of what Rick Moxon has been involved in. The relentless and unchanging nature of scientology's efforts to harass and destroy those it perceives as ene … [Read more...]
Some Background on Scientology’s Efforts to Destroy Enemies
Over the last few weeks, Chris Owen (author of many insightful writings about Hubbard and scientology, including his excellent book, Ron The War Hero) has done a series of posts with Tony Ortega on Substack describing the history of the harassment campaigns carried out by scientology. As is always the case with Chris, he is a meticulous researcher and summarizes the information in a concise and accurate way. This is important information that should be as widely available as possible, so I am combining his 3 pieces into one longer article and reprinting it below. It's fascinating … [Read more...]
The Yingling Factor
As everyone who reads this blog is probably aware, CBS Mornings featured a piece on A Billion Years yesterday morning. If you haven't seen it, you can watch it here. The piece was delayed for some time as scientology went into a full court press to prevent it from airing. They sent Monique Yingling to New York, with a delegation of scientologists and another lawyer to dissuade CBS airing it using the usual threats and false claims. In the end, when they realized they were not going to succeed in spiking the story altogether, Yingling was put forth as the scientology … [Read more...]
Scientology Fair Game Podcast All Episodes
There is no new podcast this week due to the Labor Day holiday. I thought it worth listing all the diverse list of podcast guests and topics we have done so far. There are more to come. If there are any episodes you have missed, you can find them here with links and give them a listen. It's been quite a ride. It continues. We appreciate all the support of our faithful listeners and those who have sent in questions for the popular "Listener Question" episodes. You can also find all the episodes and the supporting documents for each at which also includes a … [Read more...]
Episode 6: The Leader’s Father is Fair Gamed
Leah and I talk with our old friend Ron Miscavige, father of scientology leader David Miscavige. We discuss how he has been Fair Gamed by $10,000 a week Private Investigators, disconnected from his family and his daughter-in-law Shelly. We also talk about the involvement of Lisa Marie Presley in Ron's journey, how she was abused by Ron's daughters at the behest of David, which resulted in her walking out of scientology. We talk about other celebrities in scientology and what Ron hopes will happen in the future. We discussed a few things, here are the links. This is … [Read more...]
George White
Frequent commenter here George White sent me this photo of some of the original OT VIII's on the Freewinds in 1988. I don['t recognize many, and George doesn't recall anything other than the first names of some of them. Milt Wolfe is in the center -- he was the CO Flag Ship Service Org, though it was not an assignment that lasted long. I think that is Jane Allen in the back row. She is an IAS Freedom Medal winner who vanished from the scene after contracting cancer. Debbie Mace is standing to the left of Milt, co-founder of the infamous Mace-Kingsley enterprise, also an IAS Freedom Medal … [Read more...]
Podcast With Ron Miscavige
This morning at 11am EST, Ron and I are doing Part 3 of the interview that began a few weeks ago. We plan to talk a bit about tax exemption and disconnection, but who knows, when Ron and I get together, anything can happen... You can tune in here: If you missed the earlier episodes, you can watch them here: Part 1 Part 2 … [Read more...]
Podcast with Ron Miscavige This Morning
This morning at 11am EST, Ron and I are doing Part 2 of the interview that began last Sunday. If you missed last week's episode, you can watch it here: And if you want to tune in to today's, go here: … [Read more...]
Ron Miscavige and Robert Almblad Life After Scientology Podcast
Robert, who was featured on last week's episode of The Aftermath, joined Ron Miscavige for his podcast on Sunday. Give it a listen. You will hear stories about his early years on the Apollo, his interactions with Diana Hubbard and David Miscavige that are pretty astonishing. Things we could not focus on in the limited time we had on the show. It is not what you might be expecting! Robert, Ron and Dave Richards have been close friends for many years. Dave unfortunately passed away a few months ago. I have known Ron since our families met at St Hill in the early 70's, and I met Dave … [Read more...]